Official Artist
Kristina Wong
Actor , Comedian , Author
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Oh Mighty Chinatown Bus: Taketh me.

There's a lot going on now.   I'm in Philly working on a new ensemble show called "Edge of the World" at the Asian Arts Initiative that will premiere at the end of this week.   We wrote it in the last three days and it looks pretty awesome considering.  I can't give away too much, but I will say that I may be peeing onstage into an adult diaper as my way of exploring the Asian American Experience.  Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


I'm moving.

No, not to New York. Still too chicken to do that officially. Though maybe that's next. Not San Francisco either. Though I am there quite a bit.

I'm officially shifting my base of operations to SILVERLAKE! Land of skinny boys with girly haircuts and too tight jeans.

Why am I moving away from the beach? Why would I leave my 2 bedroom apartment which is locked in at such low low rent? Many reasons. One main one is that its getting very depressing to live in the same apartment that I've ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Idea for a new t-shirt: "I Survived API Heritage Month"

My set gets filthier by the city.

Congratulate me. I have survived yet another Asian Pacific Islander Nervous Breakdown Month. (Technically, it is in May, but schools get out in May, so it if often pushed to April). Yes! The month in which my heritage is "celebrated" with Kristina Wong's arrival to various campuses also coincides with...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Most Depressing Casting Notice I've ever seen.

Considering DivorceRead more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Chick Chicken and Chicago

Greetings from the International House Dorm at the University of Chicago. I'm the artist-in-residence at the University all week. So far I've done such official things as use the campus wifi to watch the season finale of Rock of Love 3 on my laptop. I've also been watching MSNBC and cannot understand why the GOP insists on feeding the comedy gods by naming their protests "Teabaggi...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Viva Las Depravity!

What happens in Vegas is worth a blog post.

Totally bummed out the last few weeks by the ailing economy and emotionally crippled by the prospect of how I will ever gather the energy and willpower to create new shows and write aboard the sinking ship that is the US of A economy, I decided to do what all good Americans do in times crisis -- fly head first into a gluttony and oblivion.

...Read more
almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Zen and the Art of surfing panic?

I've decided to do the only thing that one can do when everything seems to be slipping out from under you-- surf the chaos. Can't fight it, can't submit your fear to it. Just surf it, flow through it. And it's working.

Reading the paper and all its agonizing news has actually become quite normal. And now, comes the task of having fun despite all circumstances.

Look at all the senior citizen things I ...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

"I can't even remember what it feels like to love someone"... my life of loneliness broadcast to the world...

Even though I have yet to show it again, I was invited by the Feminist Magazine radio show on KPFK tonight to talk about Cat Lady... my new show in progress.

Click here to hear my interview

I show up about halfway through the interview. I ramble a bit but I like the sound of my own voice if I do say so myself.

Oliver...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

The Wong San Wheels Chronicle #10: Familiar like an old lover, but when it comes down to it, just another boring dude plucked off the street.

I couldn't take it. I broke down and got a car.

It's a rental. I'm still not ready to OWN a car. Owning a car still nauseates me. Having an extra 2 tons of weight (or however the heck much a car weighs) to insure, fuel, repair, park and take care of... only to watch it burst into flames on the 405-- no thanks. Yesterday while driving it, my heart stopped for a half second as I heard the all t...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Is this my Hollywood Shroud of Turin?

Seeing that the question of late is "Kristina, can I find you on Youtube?"... does that make this commercial I shot in 2008 (that only aired in Russia, but for some reason is in English here) the only thing the world will remember me by?

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


What a somber name for a site. Death? Yeeks!

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Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
May 20, 2008