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Victor Chen
Actor , Screenwriter , Singer
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Blast from the past | 舊照

Here are some photos i recover today from a mysterious envelope, in purple that is. These photos go all the way back to when my second album is about to release, was it '04 or '05? I dont have a clue any more,  all i know is time flies.

| 今天我從一個紫色神秘封袋裏找到這些照片。它們讓我憶起第二張專輯即將發布時的日子,是04還是05年?想不起來了,我只知道時光飛逝。 | 今天我从一个紫色神秘封袋里找到这些照片。它们让我忆起第二张专辑即将发布时的日子,是04还是05年?想不起来了,我只知道时光飞逝。

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about 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Music video made in taipei: Girl | 在臺北拍攝的MV:Girl

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6omxwwid88 God i look like a dork. Enjoy!

| 天哪,我看起来象个老古板。请欣赏!| 天哪,我看起來象個老古板。請欣賞!

about 17 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares


Everything is spontaneous when we are young, from dental appointment and science project, to house party and trip to vegas. What happens when we grow older? We plan ahead to annual vacation, make reservations to restaurant, study forecast to invest, and apologise to friends for having last minute visits and vice versa. I guess our lives can be considered as a mega long schedule, measured not in years but months, even days; in other words if i live on to 80, i still have 612 months to go, that makes 18360 days- sounds miserable does it? My teac...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


Despite the overwhelmingly poor reviews, The Heartbreak Kid, directed by the Farrelly brothers, starring Ben Stiler, still managed to gross an estimated $14 million in opening weekend, and making a staggering $67 million worldwide over a month. I dont intend to write another review, the critics have done their job, instead, i am going to write about an illness that, apparently the leading role of this movie, Ben Stiler once stated and twice denied that he has, and astonishingly, i got it too.

According to wiki, bipolar disorder i...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Jealousy is in their genes | 嫉妒是天生的

In the latest issue of GQ, i came across this article on 'why do women only desire men they cant have?' Intrigued by the topic, i read on. It starts off by stating many single men go through periods when they just cannot get laid, the more desparate the worse(nod nod), even though they are rich, generous and willing to do anything to impress. Despite the odds, ultimately these men still get married, and all at a sudden, boom, they become irresistible to women; engaged and puppies do all the same. Does it mean com...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares

Sorry Sangti

For some reason, i dont remember since when, i quite like ppl to address me as Mr. Chen, and vice versa, i started to call my friends 'boss' and 'chief'. This probably goes back to when i first got into showbiz, i was only 23, it felt really uneasy at first but then i just got used it, its too much hassle to make ppl call me victor every time, or worse still, kelly's brother (there i said it)or leehom (i call him mr.wong), besides its only a form of politeness, so eventually i grew to be fond of it. Nowadays all my friends no...Read more

about 17 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

Lions for Lambs (two and a half stars?)

Writer: Matthew Michael Carnahan Director: Robert Redford Cast: Robert Redford as Dr. stephen Malley, professor/ Andrew Garfield as Todd Hayes, student/ Tom Cruise as Senator Jasper Irving/ Meryl Streep as Janine Roth, journalist/ Michael Peña as Ernest Rodriguez, student and soldier/ Derek Luke as Adrian Finch, student and sol...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

One day in Beizzzing ... - 1 C | 北京一日 … -1度

I am having a day trip to beijing tomorrow morning, bank matters, tedious, nothing special.

Those who heard of the song 'one night in beijing' should probably be impressed and inspired by its courageous attempt to fuse beijing opera into rock music. I love this song so much that every time i arrive in Beijing it just sticks in my head until i take off again. During my drama filming days in shanghai and beijing, i came across a few colleagues who work in the opera industry, some as performers, some...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

Tuesday/ Work out day pour moi | 周二/我的健身日

This is how i see people going to gym: there are billions of people in this world, and each very one of them has billions of excuses not to go to the gym, lets say, from 'even kate moss looks chubby standing next to me' to 'nah cracked my chair three times already this week', if u can work the math, thats probably how many stars there are in our galaxy. Why are people so reluctant, or lazy allow me to put it straight, to join a gym and let their sweat glands function once in a while? As mentioned ab...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Monday/ Pain in the ass day pour moi | 周一/我的屁股痛日

Monday is like charity events, as english comedian Ricky Gervais put it, a pain. As for me, monday has been the designated day for 'management shout out', in other words, i have to frantically go through phone books, desparately look out for managers, search for necessary contacts and erase the unnecessary. Sounds bloody sad does it? cos most numbers i got belong to the latter, and time is already running out. 

You may wonder, why is it so difficult to find an agent? whats the fuss anyway? Let ...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


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November 8, 2007