This blog is for ppl who go clubbing more than once, others please leave. (who am i kidding)
Its generally considered to be fun/inevitable by us, youngsters (!) to go clubbing with buddies on saturdays. Apart from the fact that u have to tolerate the unbelieveably-long-ass queues and unnecessary anal attitude from those bruneian/african bouncers, and apart from the fact that every drink, especially those you have never heard of, costs three times as much as any where else on the planet, and apart from the f...Read more
Wicked its badminton day for me along with friends again, we do it three hour straight non stop almost every week. Some might say its a sport for pussies, though having brought up with a bunch of malaysians indonesians and thais beating the crap out of me all the time and kicking other schools asses in away matches almost every time in my boarding school years, i treat them, the awesome players, with respect up till this moment. And thats probably when i really got hooked onto the sport, i also played a bit of tennis, su...Read more
First of all i would like to thank Patrick Lee and Philip Ng for inviting me to join as member. i have two operating blogs on yahoo hong kong and sina china respectively, to be honest i prefer the design layout on alive not dead by FAR, so good job u mysterious-designer-ppl-who-i-can-never-get-in-touch-with! keep up with the good work and rock on.
Given this super cool layout, it changes the topics that i wanna write from other blogs. Normally i write about movies, life style, politics, trivias etc, but nothing much...Read more
hello everyone! I, victor chen, am priviledged to announce that i m officially Alive not Dead! thats right ha-ha, staying alive!| 大家好!我,陳司翰,在此宣布正式加入Alive not Dead!沒錯,哈哈,保持活力!| 大家好!我,陈司翰,在此宣布正式加入Alive not Dead!没错,哈哈,保持活力!