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Monday/ Pain in the ass day pour moi | 周一/我的屁股痛日

Monday is like charity events, as english comedian Ricky Gervais put it, a pain. As for me, monday has been the designated day for 'management shout out', in other words, i have to frantically go through phone books, desparately look out for managers, search for necessary contacts and erase the unnecessary. Sounds bloody sad does it? cos most numbers i got belong to the latter, and time is already running out. 

You may wonder, why is it so difficult to find an agent? whats the fuss anyway? Let me tell you this, as far as megastars/icons are concerned, their agents job would be limited to counting out how many zeros in the present and next commercial fee, as in they are sorted so who gives a sausage; when it comes to stars/idols, their agents work would do a little bit more, not only trying to work out ways to achieve the life style for icons, but to pick jobs/shows carefully so that: 1) all parties get ka-ching and go home happy ie perform in Vegas/Macau, 2) the job has exposure value and media attention ie premiere/award shows, 3) ppl think its a 'cool' thing to do ie charity/Oprah Winfrey. Having picked the right thing at the right time, not only it can boost the artist's fame exponentially, but also to save time to do even cooler, better things! God bless them. Finally, when it comes down to your average actors/actresses, the agent has a very different story to tell. They dont get to pick you see, instead they get picked by production house. And they strive to get exposure, no matter good or bad, depends on how clever the agent, sometimes a good side cast role in a sitcom or a simple appearance on an award show can turn the table. Some might say that artists crash their vehicles or get into brawls or go to rehab or even go to jail to get media attention, not entirely false, though i doubt the response they get from general public is nothing but dispise. Smart agents would try their best to buffer that. But generally at this stage, the artist really cannot do much for himself/herself in terms of negotiation or promotion. 

Having said that, what can they do? There are the easy way and the hard way, the easy way is wait wait and wait until one opportunity arise and cease it with all they got. How long do they have to wait? Dont ask me, ask the agent or god. Then there is the hard way, go entertain producers and directors in the hopes of landing a role with more than say, three lines at least, mind you actresses seem to excel in this area a lot better than actors. Why is this harder than waiting to eternity? Because entertaining those executives is a gamble, if they like you, you might have a chance, but what if they dont? They would never want to see you again, ever. Even if they like you, they might not give you a role, afterall, there is no guarantee. Okay, so they like you and they give you a role with more than three lines, that doesnt mean the movie can go on the silverscreen, no, it can also land on the top shelves of blockbuster, or worse, never exposed at all. Even if ppl do happen to see it, thats only if they happen to adore that nobody who said three lines, whether there is a 2nd season would be a different story.  

Oh the heck with gambling then, so waiting it is. Agents have to run around pulling jobs whilst the artist awaits, i m sure you guys are crystal with their job nature by now. There is indeed a lot of sacrifice, only we sacrifice our prime times in life for the perceived-to-be-more-interesting job than others, that i agree, and thats probably the reason why us poor artists out there are still waitiing.

| 周一就象慈善活動,如英國喜劇演員Ricky Gervais所說,是種痛。對我來說,周一是固定的"管理呼喊"日,換句話說,我不得不發瘋似的翻遍電話本,絕望的尋找經理們,尋找必要的合約以及推掉不必要的。聽起來是不是非常悲哀?因為我找到的大部分屬於後者,而時間業已流逝。

你可能在想,找個經紀人就這麽難?這有什麽大驚小怪?讓我告訴你,演藝巨星/大腕們的經紀人,工作僅限於清點禮物和下次廣告收入中有多少個零,挑選送上門的工作。如果是明星/偶像,經紀人的工作要稍微多些,不僅要為偶像找到工作方向,還要對工作/演出進行仔細甄選,以便:1)從所有參加的party拿錢,開開心心回家。如在維加斯/澳門演出;2)工作曝光有價值,獲得媒體關註,如參加首映禮/頒獎演出;3)做人們認為很"酷"的事,如慈善活動/Oprah Winfrey脫口秀。在適當的時間做適當的事,不僅能很快提升藝人的名聲指數,還能節約時間做更酷、更棒的事!上帝保佑他們。最後,如果是普通演員,經紀人就苦多了。不能挑別人,而是被制作部門挑選。努力得到曝光機會,無論好的差的,都取決於經紀人的聰明程度。有時在連續劇中的一個正面角色,或僅僅在頒獎演出中一個簡單的亮相就能扭轉局勢。有人會說藝人撞車、吵架、澄清、甚至入獄來博取媒體關註,所言非虛,但我懷疑他們從公眾得到的只有輕視。聰明的經紀人盡量避免這些。但這個行業的普遍情況是,藝人在談判或推廣時能為自己做的並不太多。




| 周一就象慈善活动,如英国喜剧演员Ricky Gervais所说,是种痛。对我来说,周一是固定的”管理呼喊”日,换句话说,我不得不发疯似的翻遍电话本,绝望的寻找经理们,寻找必要的合约以及推掉不必要的。听起来是不是非常悲哀?因为我找到的大部分属于后者,而时间业已流逝。

你可能在想,找个经纪人就这么难?这有什么大惊小怪?让我告诉你,演艺巨星/大腕们的经纪人,工作仅限于清点礼物和下次广告收入中有多少个零,挑选送上门的工作。如果是明星/偶像,经纪人的工作要稍微多些,不仅要为偶像找到工作方向,还要对工作/演出进行仔细甄选,以便:1)从所有参加的party拿钱,开开心心回家。如在维加斯/澳门演出;2)工作曝光有价值,获得媒体关注,如参加首映礼/颁奖演出;3)做人们认为很”酷”的事,如慈善活动/Oprah Winfrey脱口秀。在适当的时间做适当的事,不仅能很快提升艺人的名声指数,还能节约时间做更酷、更棒的事!上帝保佑他们。最后,如果是普通演员,经纪人就苦多了。不能挑别人,而是被制作部门挑选。努力得到曝光机会,无论好的差的,都取决于经纪人的聪明程度。有时在连续剧中的一个正面角色,或仅仅在颁奖演出中一个简单的亮相就能扭转局势。有人会说艺人撞车、吵架、澄清、甚至入狱来博取媒体关注,所言非虚,但我怀疑他们从公众得到的只有轻视。聪明的经纪人尽量避免这些。但这个行业的普遍情况是,艺人在谈判或推广时能为自己做的并不太多。



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english, cantonese, mandarin, french
Hong Kong
November 8, 2007