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Victor Chen
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Tuesday/ Work out day pour moi | 周二/我的健身日

This is how i see people going to gym: there are billions of people in this world, and each very one of them has billions of excuses not to go to the gym, lets say, from 'even kate moss looks chubby standing next to me' to 'nah cracked my chair three times already this week', if u can work the math, thats probably how many stars there are in our galaxy. Why are people so reluctant, or lazy allow me to put it straight, to join a gym and let their sweat glands function once in a while? As mentioned above, there are trillions of reasons, take away the unreasonable such as 'just dont want to' and boil them down, here are the major objective reasons, number one: the membership fee is unbearable- how about the cheaper, less fancy clubs lying around the corner? This lead on to the reason number two: the fancy gym i want to join is too far away from home, at the same time the lousy gym in the club house downstairs is just, well, lousy- Oh you poor sod, isnt that another dead end in life for ya? Three: i want to join, but i doubt i can commit much time to it in the end all the sessions are wasted- this excuse sounds 'sensitive' does it? in fact it is so widely practiced, its been used to turn down proposals before. Four: I m a monkey/ whale why bother- you should bother, cos it is your body looking like animal/non-human einstein, not mine, if it quits on you one day like your heart stops beating and stuff, try to look away and dont give me the death gaze. The list goes on, my excuse for not going is, number 257: its so boring to go on my own, and nobody happens to want to go with, may be another time- yeah, how true but lame is that, those who has been to the gym alone should know better than that!

Some people just flat out hate to exercise, take my friends and family for example, there are many times when they just stroll along on the tread mill, flip over with their favourite magazine and thats already like 'wow i m working out like i deserve a trophy, can i have a cookie' kind of attitude. Even worse, when asked to assist them to the machines, even the slightest attempt to request for another set or weigh on, they just yell at you like 'back off you! leave me alone, who do u think i m, chuck norris?' They said it with a stare, so intense and outraged, it almost got me to think for a moment, was i luring them with cocaine or is this machine actually alive with 20k volts? What can i say? I absolutely hate to push people, without a word, i back off most of the time. If only they didnt winge about their bellies resemble michellin, or their arses function like twin airbags so often, otherwise i would retort sthg like, g i feel sorry for your last hour wasted in the gym, y dont you leave and end the misery?

To tell the truth, i was told off one time, not like this exactly, but not far from it either. Yes, i used to hate going to the gym like any body else, in fact, sometimes i still do! But once i go and put effort to it, i want to keep going, in certain ways its like a peculiar investment. Its not like you can make difference every day like selling US dollars for japanese yen, nevertheless this is probably the best investment i can ever recommend to you guys. Those who do wu-shu or yoga or other forms of exercise, good for you; those who do none of the above, watever excuse it may be, my advice is: stop being a loser and work it out!| 這是我看到的人們去健身房的情況:億萬人生活在這世上,每個人都有億萬個理由不去健身房,看看,從”連凱特•莫斯站在我身邊都顯得豐滿”到”啊,我的椅子本周已經裂掉三次了”都有。如果你數學不錯,這些理由可能就跟恒河沙數一樣多。人們為什麽如此勉強、懶惰,不愛去健身房?恕我直言,只是一段時間讓汗腺分泌一下?上面說過,有萬億個理由,忽略那些不合理的如”只是不想去”,濃縮一下,得出幾個客觀理由:第一,難以承受昂貴的會費–那麽選擇便宜、偏僻、條件差些的健身房?這帶來第二個理由:我想去的很棒的健身房離家太遠,而俱樂部裏惡心的健身房樓下也分外惡心–哦,你這可憐的家夥,這讓你到世界末日了嗎?第三,我想加入,但怕沒時間堅持到最後,所有課程就都浪費了–這借口聽起來”合理”,是不是?事實上,這個借口被廣泛使用,可用於婉拒求婚。第四,我已經是猴子/鯨魚,為什麽要改變–你應該改變,因為你的身體已經象動物/而非人類愛因斯坦,如果哪天它放棄了你,比如心臟停止跳動,你要環顧四周時,別給我絕望的眼神。借口繼續找,但因為第257個理由,我不想繼續下去:一個人去實在無聊,沒有人剛好想跟我一起。也許下次吧–恩,是事實,但毫無說服力,那些只能獨自去健身房的人會有共鳴!

有人坦言就是討厭鍛煉,拿我的朋友和家人舉例,許多次當他們剛剛站上踏步器,翻閱著他們最愛的雜誌,就很有”哇,我做到了,能拿到餅幹作獎勵?”的感覺。更差的是,每當我要求幫助他們弄機器,就算是最輕微的開始另一組或稱重的企圖,他們就大叫著”退後!讓我單獨呆會,你以為我是誰啊,chuck norris?”他們說這話時瞪著你,那麽激動、暴怒,有時不禁讓我陷入思考,我是在誘使他們吸食可卡因還是這機器真用20K電壓激活了他們?還能說什麽?我很討厭強迫別人,大多數時間我都不說一句話退了回去。只要他們不介意腹部象米其林輪胎,或兩個屁股變成安全氣囊。不然我會回一句,對不起,我在健身房浪費了你一小時時間,你能否離開以結束這個痛苦?


  | 这是我看到的人们去健身房的情况:亿万人生活在这世上,每个人都有亿万个理由不去健身房,看看,从”连凯特·莫斯站在我身边都显得丰满”到”啊,我的椅子本周已经裂掉三次了”都有。如果你数学不错,这些理由可能就跟恒河沙数一样多。人们为什么如此勉强、懒惰,不爱去健身房?恕我直言,只是一段时间让汗腺分泌一下?上面说过,有万亿个理由,忽略那些不合理的如”只是不想去”,浓缩一下,得出几个客观理由:第一,难以承受昂贵的会费–那么选择便宜、偏僻、条件差些的健身房?这带来第二个理由:我想去的很棒的健身房离家太远,而俱乐部里恶心的健身房楼下也分外恶心–哦,你这可怜的家伙,这让你到世界末日了吗?第三,我想加入,但怕没时间坚持到最后,所有课程就都浪费了–这借口听起来”合理”,是不是?事实上,这个借口被广泛使用,可用于婉拒求婚。第四,我已经是猴子/鲸鱼,为什么要改变–你应该改变,因为你的身体已经象动物/而非人类爱因斯坦,如果哪天它放弃了你,比如心脏停止跳动,你要环顾四周时,别给我绝望的眼神。借口继续找,但因为第257个理由,我不想继续下去:一个人去实在无聊,没有人刚好想跟我一起。也许下次吧–恩,是事实,但毫无说服力,那些只能独自去健身房的人会有共鸣!

有人坦言就是讨厌锻炼,拿我的朋友和家人举例,许多次当他们刚刚站上踏步器,翻阅着他们最爱的杂志,就很有”哇,我做到了,能拿到饼干作奖励?”的感觉。更差的是,每当我要求帮助他们弄机器,就算是最轻微的开始另一组或称重的企图,他们就大叫着”退后!让我单独呆会,你以为我是谁啊,chuck norris?”他们说这话时瞪着你,那么激动、暴怒,有时不禁让我陷入思考,我是在诱使他们吸食可卡因还是这机器真用20K电压激活了他们?还能说什么?我很讨厌强迫别人,大多数时间我都不说一句话退了回去。只要他们不介意腹部象米其林轮胎,或两个屁股变成安全气囊。不然我会回一句,对不起,我在健身房浪费了你一小时时间,你能否离开以结束这个痛苦?


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