Official Artist
Victor Chen
Actor , Screenwriter , Singer
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Sorry Sangti

For some reason, i dont remember since when, i quite like ppl to address me as Mr. Chen, and vice versa, i started to call my friends 'boss' and 'chief'. This probably goes back to when i first got into showbiz, i was only 23, it felt really uneasy at first but then i just got used it, its too much hassle to make ppl call me victor every time, or worse still, kelly's brother (there i said it)or leehom (i call him mr.wong), besides its only a form of politeness, so eventually i grew to be fond of it. Nowadays all my friends not only call me Mr.Chen/boss/chief, they also call one another boss/chief, whether it is for the same reason as me, i have no idea. 

Dont be mistaken, i am really happy with my first name, its just that Mr.Chen is such a common name, its far more comfortable than one of those uneasy-pronounced and rare names like say, Dr. Ng or Mr.Wattapongsiri. I didnt make the latter name up btw, its thai and its in short, believe it or not. If i remember correctly, my mother just casually brought this conversation up one day concerning naming the kids, which includes me of course. Apparently i was made in Bangkok (groovy) during my parents second honeymoon (no details please), and my mother is a religious (superstitious rather) woman, so she decided to ask a thai monk for 'guidance' as to naming her third born. 'Santi,' the monk said, and thats all he said. So my mom went home, torn between Victor and Sangti for a while, and went for Victor in the end.

Thank god my name aint Sangti Chen, or i would have shot myself by age eleven. No offence to you Sangtis out there, i know Victor may not be amongst the coolest of names, in fact it is commonly used in horror fictions like Frankenstein and Corpse Bride, but it still beats Sangti by a mile! True story, hope u enjoyed it.

over 17 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares


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