Official Artist
Victor Chen
Actor , Screenwriter , Singer
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One day in Beizzzing ... - 1 C | 北京一日 … -1度

I am having a day trip to beijing tomorrow morning, bank matters, tedious, nothing special.

Those who heard of the song 'one night in beijing' should probably be impressed and inspired by its courageous attempt to fuse beijing opera into rock music. I love this song so much that every time i arrive in Beijing it just sticks in my head until i take off again. During my drama filming days in shanghai and beijing, i came across a few colleagues who work in the opera industry, some as performers, some as make up artists, some as directors. Their job fasinates me. In the old days, many on-stage performance skills and back-stage knowledge are passed on from senior to elite amateur exclusively, juniors and beginners dont share the same priviledge to have private tutors, they all have to go through many years of trial and error. Having gone through years of harsh training condition, performers involved with such an art form is dignified, experienced audience can disguish various art forms and trace them back for several generations, and the more traditional it is, the more respect is given. Even nowadays, beijing and kunqu (traditional opera) performers still follow the custom to have a close apprenticeship, their bond is for a life's time, very much similiar to wu shu and others.

Some say Beijing is a city you either love or hate. I agree with it in some ways, cos i love the food and hate the restaurants, love the big roads but hate the traffic, love the way they drink but hate the way they are drunk, love the cheap ciggies but hate the smell of it. I have spent a little bit of time flat hunting in the capital, since then i was amazed by how gigantic and fast-moving it is yet at the same time so over-crowded and conjested. If you attempt to travel from the east side to the west at rush hour by cab, lets just say i hope you are not really in a rush for it should take three hours minimum. The infrastructure for transport in and out of beijing city is still highly in demand for development, now with all the media attentions to next year's Olympic games, my fingers are firmly crossed for the new airport terminal and airport express under construction to be completed by then. 

Am i boring you with traffic talk? Those of you from London and New York and other great cities of the world, dont we all face the same problem: too many cars, too little car parking. Jerry Seinfeld hit it right on,' Wouldnt it be great in car exhibitions if all you can see on those revolving platforms are not cars, but car parking space? I think theres a market for this, It could be quite a sale.' I got one, it costs me almost three grand hk dollars a month, yikes.| 明天早上我會飛去北京一天,處理銀行事宜,很無聊,沒什麽特別。



談論交通是不是讓你有點無聊?如果你在倫敦、紐約或其他大都市,我們是否面臨同樣的問題:車太多而停車場太小。Jerry Seinfeld說得好,”如果車展上在旋轉展示的不是汽車,而是停車場該有多好?我覺得這市場很大,一定賣得好”。我有同感,每月我都要因此花費差不多3張大票子,哎呀。

  | 明天早上我会飞去北京一天,处理银行事宜,很无聊,没什么特别。



谈论交通是不是让你有点无聊?如果你在伦敦、纽约或其他大都市,我们是否面临同样的问题:车太多而停车场太小。Jerry Seinfeld说得好,”如果车展上在旋转展示的不是汽车,而是停车场该有多好?我觉得这市场很大,一定卖得好”。我有同感,每月我都要因此花费差不多3张大票子,哎呀。

over 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares


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