Official Artist
Victor Chen
Actor , Screenwriter , Singer
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Everything is spontaneous when we are young, from dental appointment and science project, to house party and trip to vegas. What happens when we grow older? We plan ahead to annual vacation, make reservations to restaurant, study forecast to invest, and apologise to friends for having last minute visits and vice versa. I guess our lives can be considered as a mega long schedule, measured not in years but months, even days; in other words if i live on to 80, i still have 612 months to go, that makes 18360 days- sounds miserable does it? My teacher in college used to say birthday is depressing bcos it makes you a year older and thats a year closer to death. Thats a thought but what a cynic! I believe people in general make plans for they want to live a stable peaceful life, they rather vote for a dumb ass peace-maker than a lion heart reformer, conflict is the last thing they want. When tension is constant in society, when everything is unpredictable, economy slumps and everyone suffers, no matter how meticulous your plan is. So does it mean ppl love making plans? Not necessarily. People argue about plans all the time, whether its daily matters like who's turn to pick up the kids or vacation destination, to constitutional issues like who to vote (or why vote) or i m christian should i marry an atheist and so on. 

My bad to burn down the vibe, just that i felt like a coward recently, nothing is spontaneous any more, even going to the gym. Its been freezing out there lately, thanksgiving is over and santa is already coming to town. I managed to budge up a few days for a get away trip to southeast asia or some where i dont really care. Not totally looking forward to it but having decided to go, might as well be a team player and make the best out of it right? Stocks are doing well over here, we deserve some slack. Anyways i am sure you guys have bonus to splash and master plans for vacation at the end of year, or may be you are on vacation already, either way, i hope you didnt have to be so last minute(it is annoying to some); those who are staying home for christmas, cheer up, enjoy your holiday, you have every right to!

over 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin, french
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Hong Kong
Member Since
November 8, 2007