Edmond Kan
演员, 驯兽师/宠物训练员, 主持人
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Teaching a dog to Sit

Ah, feel like a blog master - third blog in three days? I think this might be a record for me :)Anyhoo.The most basic of commands. Sit.Traditionally, the sit is taught like: using food you would lure the dog until his butt hits the floor. as he does, you give him food. The dog stays in the sit while he eats.The difference in how I teach it, is that the very moment the dog sits (butt on the floor) - he can be released and get his reward. That means, he won't necessarily be eating the food while still in the sit position. This is quit...Read more

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Stupid Trainers...

Stupid Trainers... in China...You know what really pi**** me off... the continuous multitude of Chinese dog training businesses (not all of them).  I mean, there are SOME good trainers out there in China, but there are a whole lot more that have learnt and are still using 'old school methods of dog training'. (I rant a bit now, so if you want to skip to the dog training bit, scroll down)...The fact is, dog trainers are just dog trainers to them. Pay them a few buck, and get a dog trained. Who cares how they do it..?To be fair, it&#...Read more

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Happy Year of The Tiger!

The beginning of a new year, and with the recent requests of 'what do i teach my dog FIRST??' The first thing a dog should learn is 'Good!'....I use 'Yes!' or 'OK!'.The word (whatever it is) signals to the dog 'Good job, now it's time for you to get a reward'. Easiest, done with food, so literally in the first couple of sessions for 2-3 days; one would put a bowl of food around the house and say 'YES!' then reach and give the dog food. It won't take long for them to realise that...Read more

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Tibetan Mastiff - USD500k?

Last year, a Chinese woman paid in excess of USD500k for a Tibetan Mastiff...  Article here:http://www.dailyfinance.com/story/tibetan-mastiff-becomes-worlds-priciest-dog-chinese-woman-pays/19159153/I've met and trained with TWO pure-bred mastiffs which are quite rare and I've walked past a house (in China) with 5 all-black Mastiffs that shocked the living soul outta me......I've seen t...Read more

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MY BABY IS FAMOUS!! (for food...)

Yes, it's true. I am in my own son's shadow - hahah. My boy! So proud of him!  He's cuter, more famous and gets way more love (and money) than me...... :S !!

I proudly present, my son, Zenith Ta Kan!!

From the original photo...Read more

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Completely UNRELATED to dogs...My one-to-one.point.five second cameo appearance for alibaba.com (uk/europe ad) - and yes, I am the Chinese Factory Man....... Don't blink....or you'll miss me..... HAHA(shot couple months ago...)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKp3YS0MIuI

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One of The Smartest/Best Dogs I've Met in Shanghai

Been a while... Having the chance to meet new people in my work, continues to show me how people can be great...#1 Parent's who amaze me with how disciplined kids can be. (makes me wonder how or when or if my kid(s) will be like that)#2 Ordinary people who make extraordinary decisions. #3 The integrity, organisation, and natural respect that people have.#4 Not related to people, but I met a truly awesome dog. They 'just got it from the local pet shop' but this dog really was awesome. As a tra...Read more

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First Photos from Doggie Hotel Shanghai!

The very very first photos...(not even on the website) imagine, enjoy.

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Meet LAOBAN (THE BOSS) 老闆/老板

I'm not kidding you, that's his name. He's far from it though... He's just over 4 months now and I started training him and his owner at 10 weeks. He knows sit VERY WELL (with no food present - although we used food to teach him originally) - super quick OUT when playing tug with him (loves tug), PLAY FETCH, WALKING on loose leash and heeling, and just started learning 'LEAVE IT' today...He's a great example of doing a few things REALLY WELL. Read more

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Aggression in (mini) - Dogs

So today, I worked with a little lovely super cute dog that was terribly afraid of people.  She's superrrrrrrr SMALL, so really important that training was non-confrontational and non-physical.The problem: she barks and has bitten (attacked) people coming into her owner's office.So we spent an hour or two 're-teaching her' what to do.The aggression came out of fear. If she can't flight, she'll fight. So my job was to reteach her to 'flight'/'avoid' so then we can go on to show her that peopl...Read more

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England, Germany
March 11, 2008