?今天出生的 #法蘭絲麥杜文 在《雪花高離奇命案》說過:「人生的目的不只是追求金錢。」憑該片首奪奧斯卡影后殊榮後,她稱最美妙的是能亮相《芝麻街》,憑她的知名度幫助迷路兒童。今年她憑《廣告牌殺人事件》再奪小金人,發表得獎感言時再次勇於為種族及性別平等發聲。 ❄️Cine Fan在6月30日和7月6日將放映其得獎作品《雪花高離奇命案》。
?Happy birthday to #FrancesMcDormand, the incredible two-time Oscar winning actress! “She looks you in the eye and tells you the truth,” Ken Loach said of the actress. Revisit her famous quotes from her award-winning role in FARGO and Oscar this year and you’ll admire her total honesty in film as in life. #includsionrider ❄️Watch FARGO at #CineFan on 30 June or 6 July.
✨你最喜歡基阿魯斯達米哪部電影?這位令人懷念的伊朗電影大師在2013年曾經出席Cine Fan大師班,影迷可到 http://youtu.be/GydL7Ky2zPo 重溫完整錄影~
??What’s your favorite film of #AbbasKiarostami, a true master of cinema born on this day? We were honored to have him conducting a master class at #CineFan back in 2013. Watch the full clip at http://youtu.be/GydL7Ky2zPo
【#CineFan】《喋血雙雄》、《鐵血神探》 ?THE KILLER and DIRTY MONEY?
吳宇森自言深受梅維爾影響,靈感來自《獨行殺手》的《喋血雙雄》,與《鐵血神探》有何相似之處? 1️⃣是友是敵:#李修賢 與 #周潤發,#阿倫狄龍 與 #李察堅拿,一兵一賊成了莫逆之交,同樣陷於情義兩難 2️⃣情陷紅顏:勇探情繫的女歌手 #葉蒨文 與酒吧老闆娘 #嘉芙蓮丹露 夾於正邪之間,同樣身不由己 3️⃣強烈風格:#吳宇森 的白鴿共彈雨齊飛,與 #梅維爾 的落泊英雄聽天命,暴烈vs冷洌,獨特美學各擅勝場
Strongly influenced by LE SAMOURAI, John Woo referred to THE KILLER as a tribute to Jean-Pierre Melville. Putting THE KILLER and DIRTY MONEY side by side, you’ll find interesting similarities – bond and rivalry between a good cop and a bad guy; honor and friendship; law and outlaw; bromance and roman...Read more
【#CineFan】#高畑勳:《#百變狸貓》、《#再見螢火蟲》、《#隔壁的山田君》 Isao Takahata: POM POKO, GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES and MY NEIGHBORS THE YAMADAS
?《玩轉極樂園》著名導演 #李安克里治 對高畑勳推崇備至:「《再見螢火蟲》是一部讓人驚歎、感情細膩的電影。《隔壁的山田君》亦異常迷人,且大大影響 #米高安特 創作《陽光小小姐》的劇本。」像《百變狸貓》裏法寶多多的狸貓,高畑勳在內容與技術上勇於尋求突破,以無窮想像力開拓新風,將繼續影響一代又一代的創作人。
? Among those paying tribute to #IsaoTakahata was COCO co-director #LeeUnkrich, who wrote on Twitter: "GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES is an amazing, emotional film. And MY NEIGHBORS THE YAMADAS is incredibly charming. It also had a big influence on #MichaelArndt’s script for LITTLE MISS S...Read more
猜猜哪位著名的昭和女優在今天出生? ??提示: ?永遠帶著溫暖笑容的紀子 ?#CineFan 曾舉辦其回顧展,放映13部作品,包括小津安二郎的《東京物語》和《晚春》、成瀨巳喜男的《飯》和黑澤明的《白痴》等 . Guess which Japanese actress from Showa era was born today in 1920? ??Hints: ?”Noriko” who always wears a smile ?Cine Fan held a retrospective of her, screening 13 films, including TOKYO STORY and LATE SPRING by Ozu Yasujiro, REPAST by Naruse Mikio, THE IDIOT by Kurosawa Akira, etc.
【#CineFan】《渾身是胆》、《辣手神探奪命鎗》 BULLITT and DIRTY HARRY
?️♂️ 踏入 #大館,見識兩位非凡幹探的凌厲氣勢與英雄魅力!#史提夫麥昆 演活渾身是胆的勇探,為求緝兇不惜一切,竟隱瞞證人死訊,甚至飛車狂竄,槍戰連場亦在所不顧,令人瞠目結舌;辣手神探 #奇連伊士 活鎗法如神,打擊罪犯毫不手軟,勇猛中帶一點失控、半點齷齪,令殺人狂聞風喪膽。英雄與反英雄集於一身,一個字:爽!
?️♂️ Come meet two ultimate cool cops in #TaiKwun – #SteveMcQueen, the fearless detective who, blazing through webs of deception and intense violence, is determined to nail the underworld kingpin that killed the witness in his protection; #ClintEastwood, a.k.a. Dirty Harry, an iconic cop who is brutally effective in hunting down the terrorist kill...Read more
【#CineFan】高畑勳:《輝耀姬物語》、《歲月的童話》 Isao Takahata: THE TALE OF PRINCESS KAGUYA and ONLY YESTERDAY
? 33年前的今天,#高畑勳 與 宮崎駿 、#鈴木敏夫 成立 #吉卜力工作室,創造了無數家傳戶曉的動畫經典。被形容為「亦敵亦友」,同年推出的《輝耀姬物語》及《風起了》常被比較,高畑勳與 #宮崎駿 對談時卻只着眼竹筍生長的描繪是否真實……Paku San走了,宮崎駿說「永遠不會忘記,55年前與他在巴士站的初次相遇」;重溫《#輝耀姬物語》及《#歲月的童話》兩部傑作,讓美好回憶,長留心坎。
? Today marks the 33rd anniversary of the founding of Studio #Ghibli. This year is a sad one, as one of its co-founders, #IsaoTakahata, has passed away. Often perceived as his rival, #MiyazakiHayao cherishes their long-time friendship, saying that he’ll never forget the f...Read more
「我寧願和莉芙烏曼唇槍舌劍,也不想和鯊魚埋身肉搏。」瑞典著名演員 #艾蘭約瑟遜 推掉《大白鯊2》的演出邀請時如是說。在1923年今天出生,這位 #英瑪褒曼 愛將與大師合作近60年,參與演出過他的電影共14部,包括Cine Fan今期精選的《#婚姻暗流》和《#面對面》。身兼導演及作家的約瑟遜亦曾演出 #塔可夫斯基 最後兩部傑作《#懷鄉》和《#犧牲》。
【#CineFan】《M》、《月黑風高殺人夜》 M and IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT
?♂ 首次坐「#大館」看經典警匪片,現場實感令緊張氣氛倍增。在史上首部刻畫連環殺手的經典警匪片《M》,弗烈茲朗的表現主義美學、用心經營的建築空間,與活化後的中區警署建築群竟配合得天衣無縫,令變態殺手的冷血罪案更令人毛骨悚然。在熱浪下看五項奧斯卡金像獎得主《#月黑風高殺人夜》,黑白冤家拍檔如何克服種族主義歧見、保持冷靜沉着共同追捕真兇,更覺熱血沸騰。
?♂ First time in #TaiKwun, see with your own eyes the chilling crimes of a serial killer, and the evolving dynamics between a sophisticated detective and a prejudiced policeman. In the historic Central Police Station compound, be prepared to get your nerves up when watching M, Fritz Lang’s iconic masterpiece of the hunting ...Read more
?仲未喺 #大館 打過卡?嗱,機會嚟啦!呢個中西區蒲點荷李活道嘅古蹟──昔日域多利監獄嘅「?洗衣場石階」,依家逢星期日11am、3pm都會舉行免費電影放映! ?#周日影院 六、七月主題係「動畫無邊界」,我地選映咗多部世界各地動畫佳作,好似啱啱放映完嘅《貓室動畫大集結》,唔少大人細路都笑到變癲噹!????? ❤️相片轉自IG @dindong.cat #癲噹 #DinDongCAT ??♀️ #預約大館入場證或walkin都得 ??♀️ #CineFan會在大館的劇院舉行 . ?Not yet checked-in at #TaiKwun on Hollywood Road? You’d better catch up! We have turned the heritage compound’s “Laundry Steps” ?into a semi-outdoor theatre, offering "Sunday Movie Series" weekly at 11am & 3pm. In June and July, you can enjoy acclaimed animations from around the world under the “Animation Without...Read more
Hong Kong International Film Festival