【#CineFan】《M》、《月黑風高殺人夜》 M and IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT
?♂ 首次坐「#大館」看經典警匪片,現場實感令緊張氣氛倍增。在史上首部刻畫連環殺手的經典警匪片《M》,弗烈茲朗的表現主義美學、用心經營的建築空間,與活化後的中區警署建築群竟配合得天衣無縫,令變態殺手的冷血罪案更令人毛骨悚然。在熱浪下看五項奧斯卡金像獎得主《#月黑風高殺人夜》,黑白冤家拍檔如何克服種族主義歧見、保持冷靜沉着共同追捕真兇,更覺熱血沸騰。
?♂ First time in #TaiKwun, see with your own eyes the chilling crimes of a serial killer, and the evolving dynamics between a sophisticated detective and a prejudiced policeman. In the historic Central Police Station compound, be prepared to get your nerves up when watching M, Fritz Lang’s iconic masterpiece of the hunting of a serial killer, and IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT, the classic cop-and-cop drama that swept 5 Oscars including Best Picture.
???? 購票詳情 Get your tix here ?️《M》: https://bit.ly/2G0Dosp ?️《月黑風高殺人夜》#Intheheatofthenight: https://bit.ly/2sRLRdl
Hong Kong International Film Festival