【#CineFan】寇比力克眼中的《野草莓》? ?Stanley Kubrick on WILD STRAWBERRIES
在 #史丹利寇比力克 眼中,褒曼是當代最偉大導演,《#野草莓》高踞其十大至愛電影第二位。作為粉絲的寇比力克更於31歲時親筆向仰慕的褒曼致敬,讚揚大師「對生命的超凡視野」,對他在《野草莓》「營造情緒及氛圍」、「避免眾目昭彰」及「建構真實而完整角色」等方面的深厚功力大表欣賞,更謂其成就無人能及。✨7月21日最後一場,怎能錯過?
To #StanleyKubrick, Ingmar Bergman is the “the greatest filmmaker” of his generation, and WILD STRAWBERRIES is ranked second on his first and only favorite film list. The 31-year-old Kubrick once wrote to the Swedish master a fan letter praising his “vision of life,” "creation of mood and atmosphere," "avoidance of t...Read more
【#CineFan】英瑪褒曼今天百年誕辰! ???Bergman’s 100th Birthday Today!
今天是 #英瑪褒曼 百年冥壽。在這重要日子紀念大師,有什麼比一次過重溫《#婚姻暗流》這部五小時足本經典更恰當?曾說過拍攝此片的四個月是一生最漫長的經歷,褒曼五段婚姻、四度離婚還有無數情人,將生命體驗的七情六慾、夫妻愛恨糾纏的貪嗔癡,一一在鏡頭前赤裸呈現。映後談由影評人劉嶔主講,讓你更了解褒曼人生與電影的重重深意。
Today marks the 100th birthday of #IngmarBergman. What’s a better way to celebrate the legendary director than revisiting his SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE today? The man of five marriages and countless romantic relationships reveals through his solemn lens the ultimate tenderness and brutality of complex relationships in this 5-hour full version, ...Read more
【#CineFan】英瑪褒曼:《婚姻暗流》 Bergman: SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE
?#莉芙烏曼 人生有何憾事?不是與褒曼的恩怨愛恨,而是拍攝《婚姻暗流》時選擇了受薪而非分賬。該電視劇在全球大賣兼奪金球獎最佳外語片,「丈夫」#艾蘭約瑟遜 賺到盤滿缽滿,烏曼卻望門興嘆。金錢糾紛固然易令夫妻關係破裂,妒忌、憎惡、不忠……反目離婚後竟又難捨難分,種種感情轇轕更是錯綜複雜。烏曼憑此片榮獲美國國家影評人協會最佳女主角,倒是金錢無法衡量的光榮。 ?What did #LivUllmann regret most in SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE? Not her love-hate relationship with Bergman, but her choice of receiving salary rather than percentage share - her “husband” #ErlandJosephson earned a handsome profit as the 5-hour TV series achieved international awards and financial success. Beyond money, Bergman has more...Read more
【友好推介】香港亞洲電影投資會WIP Lab 2017 入選電影計劃《#水底行走的人》,早前在香港國際電影節放映大獲好評。錯過了的觀眾可留意明天在香港藝術中心上映的特別場次~✨除了有導演陳安琪的分享,更有handpan音樂表演! ?想為你的電影籌集資金?立即了解HAF和WIP Lab的參加方法,並留意兩個電影計劃的報名日期!
i’ve got the blues, the critically acclaimed film of #WIPLab 2017 project presented in #HKIFF42, is showing on the big screen again! Check out its special screening at Hong Kong Arts Centre at 8 pm tomorrow, with director Angie Chan’s Q&A and handpan live performance!✨ ?Looking for funding for your film? Watch out for HAF and their WIP Lab Project! Their CALL FOR ENTRIES will begin soon.
【#CineFan】《第七封印》之外…… Beyond THE SEVENTH SEAL… 要認識 #英瑪褒曼,怎能只看《#第七封印》?欣賞這部經典固然是好起點,但想真正了解大師的世界,一定要睇埋 Cine Fan精心策劃的一系列名作。柏林影展金熊獎得獎作《#野草莓》被譽為褒曼的顛峰;《#處女之泉》更榮獲奧斯卡最佳外語片。歌劇是褒曼至愛,又怎能錯過他將電影與歌劇完美結合的《#魔笛》?還有在《#狼的時刻》、《#羞恥》、《#面對面》裏對罪疚、仇恨、懲罰等迷思的內省。各部經典只剩最後一場,把握機會,別留遺憾。
To understand the greatness of #IngmarBergman, THE SEVENTH SEAL is a good start but not the end of the journey. Cine Fan offers you a good opportunity to appreciate the sheer range and richness of the master’s work – among his very best is the Berlinale Golden Bear winner WILD STRAWBERRIES; and THE VIRGIN SPRI...Read more
【#CineFan】《喋血雙雄》、《渾身是胆》 THE KILLER and BULLITT
Melodramatic bullet-ballet action style in THE KILLER defines John Woo’s signature of poetic violence, while Steve McQueen's groundbreaking car chase sequence in Peter Yates’ BULLITT makes it a must-have element in Hollywood action movies. Their influences are monumental and long-lasting, as seen in Quentin Tarantino’s RESERVOIR DOG and THE FAST A...Read more
?最新消息:HAF2016 項目《我不是藥神》上映第五日,票房已突破14億人民幣! ?香港亞洲電影投資會(HAF)為亞洲首屈一指的電影融資平台,電影人可透過HAF與投資者、製片人、發行商和買家洽談合作機會。有意參加HAF的話,記得留意以下兩個電影計劃報名日期: ⭐HAF: 8.20 – 10.31 ⭐WIP: 11.01 – 12.31 ?詳情:http://www.haf.org.hk
?DYING TO SURVIVE, a HAF2016 project, became a China box office phenomenon, hitting RMB 1.4 billion in 5 days! The HAF brings filmmakers with upcoming film projects to Hong Kong for co-production ventures with top film financiers, producers, bankers, distributors and buyers. ? If you are looking for any of these, wat...Read more
【#CineFan】高畑勳:《再見螢火蟲》、《歲月的童話》 Isao Takahata: GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES and ONLY YESTERDAY
影評人李焯桃:「從《歲月的童話》及《再見螢火蟲》看來,#高畑勳 的寫實手法在經營環境細節及動作實感方面固然成就不凡,更不宜忽略的是他超脫表層寫實的功力。兩片結局那種主客觀交融、現實與精神世界合一的境界,證實了動畫完全可以進入深刻藝術的殿堂。」
Critic Li Cheuk-to: “From GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES and ONLY YESTERDAY, we see that #IsaoTakahata’s remarkable achievements lie not only on his accurate, nuanced depictions of landscapes and movements, but also on his extraordinary ability in transcending beyond surface realism. The perfect blend of subjectivity and objectivity, and the harmony betwe...Read more
懷念老朋友:克勞朗治曼 Our Tribute to Claude Lanzmann
HKIFF的老朋友、法國著名導演克勞朗治曼今天去世,享年92歲。其經典代表作《#大浩劫》(1985)曾於第37屆電影節放映,九小時片長紀錄了納粹集中營種族滅絕的殘酷真相,獲《視與聽》雜誌中選為史上最偉大紀錄片第二位,他亦於2013年獲柏林影展頒予終身成就獎。朗治曼多部作品曾於HKIFF放映,最後作品《#燃燒彈》亦見於今年電影節。HKIFF 謹此向這位偉大電影工作者致敬。
A good friend of HKIFF, French filmmaker #ClaudeLanzmann passed away today at the age of 92. His landmark Holocaust documentary #SHOAH (1985, screened in HKIFF37), which runs more than nine hours long, is highly acclaimed and selected by critics around the world in Sight and Sound magazine as #2 of the Greatest Documentaries o...Read more
【#CineFan】細說高畑勳 Remembering Isao Takahata? 自59年加入東映動畫,其後成為吉卜力創辦人之一,#高畑勳 創造了無數家傳戶曉的動畫經典。在7月1日舉行的座談會,其東映時期的合作夥伴 #月岡貞夫 及資深動畫師 #盧子英,談到兩位「亦敵亦友」的動畫巨匠在創作形式上的「葛藤」(衝突):「高畑勳受寫實自然主義影響,作品傾向小說風格,故事多從人的感情出發;相反宮崎駿則着重『寓話』,以神話傳說等幻想故事反映社會問題。」高畑勳五部吉卜力時期佳作各只剩下最後一場,動畫迷萬勿錯過!
Beginning his career in Toei Animation and later co-founding Studio Ghibli, #IsaoTakahata has created some of the most celebrated works in animation history. In the seminar held on 1 July, #TsukiokaSadao (Takahata’s long-time creative partner at Toei) and veteran animator #NecoLo talked about the different styl...Read more
Hong Kong International Film Festival