【#CineFan】#高畑勳:《#百變狸貓》、《#再見螢火蟲》、《#隔壁的山田君》 Isao Takahata: POM POKO, GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES and MY NEIGHBORS THE YAMADAS
?《玩轉極樂園》著名導演 #李安克里治 對高畑勳推崇備至:「《再見螢火蟲》是一部讓人驚歎、感情細膩的電影。《隔壁的山田君》亦異常迷人,且大大影響 #米高安特 創作《陽光小小姐》的劇本。」像《百變狸貓》裏法寶多多的狸貓,高畑勳在內容與技術上勇於尋求突破,以無窮想像力開拓新風,將繼續影響一代又一代的創作人。
? Among those paying tribute to #IsaoTakahata was COCO co-director #LeeUnkrich, who wrote on Twitter: "GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES is an amazing, emotional film. And MY NEIGHBORS THE YAMADAS is incredibly charming. It also had a big influence on #MichaelArndt’s script for LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE.” Like the ever-changing tanuki in POM POKO, the legendary director has an innate power to explore a diverse range of themes and aesthetic styles in animation. His innovative spirit will continue to inspire generations of filmmakers.
?《百變狸貓》#PomPoko:https://bit.ly/2LXyhME ✨《再見螢火蟲》#GraveOfTheFireflies:https://bit.ly/2t9qdS9 ?《隔壁的山田君》#MyNeighborsTheYamadas:https://bit.ly/2ym9pfE
Hong Kong International Film Festival