【#CineFan】《渾身是胆》、《辣手神探奪命鎗》 BULLITT and DIRTY HARRY
?️♂️ 踏入 #大館,見識兩位非凡幹探的凌厲氣勢與英雄魅力!#史提夫麥昆 演活渾身是胆的勇探,為求緝兇不惜一切,竟隱瞞證人死訊,甚至飛車狂竄,槍戰連場亦在所不顧,令人瞠目結舌;辣手神探 #奇連伊士 活鎗法如神,打擊罪犯毫不手軟,勇猛中帶一點失控、半點齷齪,令殺人狂聞風喪膽。英雄與反英雄集於一身,一個字:爽!
?️♂️ Come meet two ultimate cool cops in #TaiKwun – #SteveMcQueen, the fearless detective who, blazing through webs of deception and intense violence, is determined to nail the underworld kingpin that killed the witness in his protection; #ClintEastwood, a.k.a. Dirty Harry, an iconic cop who is brutally effective in hunting down the terrorist killer, despite intense personal confrontations of guns and deaths.
???? 購票詳情 Get your tix here ?️《#渾身是胆》#Bullitt: https://bit.ly/2l8U2hl ?️《#辣手神探奪命鎗》#DirtyHarry: https://bit.ly/2taZaoC
Hong Kong International Film Festival