【#CineFan】寇比力克眼中的《野草莓》? ?Stanley Kubrick on WILD STRAWBERRIES
在 #史丹利寇比力克 眼中,褒曼是當代最偉大導演,《#野草莓》高踞其十大至愛電影第二位。作為粉絲的寇比力克更於31歲時親筆向仰慕的褒曼致敬,讚揚大師「對生命的超凡視野」,對他在《野草莓》「營造情緒及氛圍」、「避免眾目昭彰」及「建構真實而完整角色」等方面的深厚功力大表欣賞,更謂其成就無人能及。✨7月21日最後一場,怎能錯過?
To #StanleyKubrick, Ingmar Bergman is the “the greatest filmmaker” of his generation, and WILD STRAWBERRIES is ranked second on his first and only favorite film list. The 31-year-old Kubrick once wrote to the Swedish master a fan letter praising his “vision of life,” "creation of mood and atmosphere," "avoidance of the obvious," and "truthfulness and completeness of characterization" in WILD STRAWBERRIES. ✨Final screening on 21 July; don’t miss the opportunity to watch Kubrick’s beloved film.
?️《野草莓》WILD STRAWBERRIES: https://bit.ly/2JtBCFG
Hong Kong International Film Festival