【#CineFan】細說高畑勳 Remembering Isao Takahata? 自59年加入東映動畫,其後成為吉卜力創辦人之一,#高畑勳 創造了無數家傳戶曉的動畫經典。在7月1日舉行的座談會,其東映時期的合作夥伴 #月岡貞夫 及資深動畫師 #盧子英,談到兩位「亦敵亦友」的動畫巨匠在創作形式上的「葛藤」(衝突):「高畑勳受寫實自然主義影響,作品傾向小說風格,故事多從人的感情出發;相反宮崎駿則着重『寓話』,以神話傳說等幻想故事反映社會問題。」高畑勳五部吉卜力時期佳作各只剩下最後一場,動畫迷萬勿錯過!
Beginning his career in Toei Animation and later co-founding Studio Ghibli, #IsaoTakahata has created some of the most celebrated works in animation history. In the seminar held on 1 July, #TsukiokaSadao (Takahata’s long-time creative partner at Toei) and veteran animator #NecoLo talked about the different styles of the two Ghibli masters and their creative conflicts: Isao Takahata’s realistic, lyrical approach resembles fiction that focuses on human emotions, while Miyazaki Hayao’s animations are more like imaginative parables that reflect on social issues. Don’t miss the final opportunity to revisit Takahata’s five animation classics. Only one screening left for each film!
????放映時間表 Schedule???? ?《#再見螢火蟲》GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES: 8/7 14:30 ❤️《#歲月的童話》ONLY YESTERDAY: 15/7 14:30 ?《#百變狸貓》POM POKO: 22/7 14:30 ????《#隔壁的山田君》MY NEIGHBORS THE YAMADAS: 22/7 17:00 ?《#輝耀姬物語》THE TALE OF THE PRINCESS KAGUYA: 29/7 14:30 ?購票詳情 More info: http://cinefan.com.hk/
Hong Kong International Film Festival