【#CineFan】英瑪褒曼:《婚姻暗流》 Bergman: SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE
?#莉芙烏曼 人生有何憾事?不是與褒曼的恩怨愛恨,而是拍攝《婚姻暗流》時選擇了受薪而非分賬。該電視劇在全球大賣兼奪金球獎最佳外語片,「丈夫」#艾蘭約瑟遜 賺到盤滿缽滿,烏曼卻望門興嘆。金錢糾紛固然易令夫妻關係破裂,妒忌、憎惡、不忠……反目離婚後竟又難捨難分,種種感情轇轕更是錯綜複雜。烏曼憑此片榮獲美國國家影評人協會最佳女主角,倒是金錢無法衡量的光榮。 ?What did #LivUllmann regret most in SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE? Not her love-hate relationship with Bergman, but her choice of receiving salary rather than percentage share - her “husband” #ErlandJosephson earned a handsome profit as the 5-hour TV series achieved international awards and financial success. Beyond money, Bergman has more to tell about the selfishness that destroys love, and the deep joys and pains of a complex bond that remain.
?️《婚姻暗流》SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE (1-3/4-6): http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/scenes-from-a-marriage-1-3/
Hong Kong International Film Festival