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Victor Chen
Actor , Screenwriter , Singer
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Journey to shanghai tv festival 2009|2009上海電視節之旅|2009上海电视节之旅

Almost five months have passed since shooting the series, i cant really express my feelings seeing all the fellow actors once again. I realise i miss them a little more than anticipated, definitely more than a friend, almost like family. We spent four days together, rehearsing for the tv festival show and press conference. I also took the leisure to visit our director joe wong from the series, who was filming another at a near by filming site. Everyone had a bliss. My agent was really hospitable, w...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

Babies and Cats, aww....

It has been a while since i ponder about owning a pet, whether its gonna be a goldie, husky, persian, coral fish, even iguana. When i was kid, we have a grey-white persian kitty, purchased from a persian cat breeder, as a gift to my eldest sister's birthday, i named him Yo-Yo, as it was a trendy toy in those days. Few years later mother brought home a hazel pomeranian, his name benji, tiny and very affectionate. The dog and cat never really get along, all they do was sniffing each others butts. Another few years went by, this tim...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Give it up for W... or steve bridges?|為了總統放棄它……或選擇steve橋梁?|为了总统放弃它……或选择steve桥梁?

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZTHZOtHUqQ&feature=related |

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZTHZOtHUqQ&feature=related |

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watc...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Sundays - summer 2009|周日-2009 夏|周日-2009 夏

Sundays. Days that i sometimes refer to as 'lonely sundays'. I know its kind of a blue statement, but this is truely how i feel. I guess not having 'family sunday' or pets to pamper sorta lead to such melancholy feeling. But it certainly shouldnt lead to solutions such as to have a baby or hang out with your in-laws! Instead ppl often chose to go to the beach, play some ball, or simply bum around home watching season finalies. Sad fact is i dont have an ideal sunday, for it marks the end of weekend an...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares



回转话题,近来“甲型H1N1”成为了大家关注的话题。所有人都在聊这种病毒,所有人都在害怕。但是,我想大家害怕的可能不是“甲型H1N1”而是记忆中的 “SARS”。近日,在参加快乐e行商旅网的网站改版体验会上,再次讨论到了这个话题。 有人会认为,这次的“甲型H1N1”是对于中国的旅游行业一次致命的打击。但是,我却不这么认为。我觉得,这次的“甲型H1N1”也许是对已经跌入谷底的中国国内旅游市场一针“杜冷丁”,将原本需要更久时间才能恢复元气的市场能够如打了“鸡血般”的及时回暖。但之所以称之为“杜冷丁”而非“救世良药”,是因为中国的国内旅游市场真正的复活还是需要众多业界人士和企业靠自身的努力。

中国人无论做什么事情,都喜欢讲究一个“天时、地利、人和。”对于09年的国内旅游市场,可谓所有有利条件已经占据了。首...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

My birthday 2009|我2009年的生日|我2009年的生日

Thank you all for the lovely birthday blessings, you are so kind to me.

This year's party was held at my new apartment, champagne, snacks and poker game, it was noisy and fun, nothing crazy like the year before, dont ask - it was literally raining down champagne! It has been a while since i have a bunch of frien...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

My favourite things #101 & #102|我的最愛 #101 & #102|我的最爱 #101 & #102

Welcome to viddy's 100 favourite things! Today i m going to introduce you guys my #101 favourite thing, this favourite candy of mine - HARIBOOOOOO! yes we all love it dont we? But this is not the end of it, they now have Smurfs flavor, or Les Schtroumpfs as you can see above. I f...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

There and back again part 3 - London|歸來游記 第三部分-倫敦|归来游记 第三部分-伦敦

London, a city where i used to live in. Its been ten years since i last visited, a little nostalgia swept over me. I only stayed for three days however, since i caught a flu from ny, and have not recovered since. I remember a little incident at the custom, when a lady after me had her hand carry scanned and was asked for a 'chat'. Apparently she was carry nothing but 50 bras in hers, i know because the staff was amused one of them just shouted,' fifty big ones!'

Anyways, i...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares

There and back again part 2 - New York|歸來遊記 第二部分 - 紐約|归来游记 第二部分 - 纽约

Second stop is new york. I went over to visit a long time friend of mine, and to see the city i havnt visited for twenty years. Hes running a busy schedule during the day, so i was pretty much on my own, we only had dinner together from time to time. That aside, i get to see manhattan in my own sort of way^^ i went to meat packing, east and west village, south sea port, fashion avenue, canal street, st.marks and little italy etc.Anyways its a vacation, and manhattan was great fun.

<...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares

There and back again part 1- Basel|歸來遊記 第一部分-巴塞爾|归来游记 第一部分-巴塞尔

Hello there folks, as u can see, i have been travelling around the world, and returned for a while already. I must say this was an awesome trip, cos i got to see basel, a beautiful city at the north of switzerland, then went to visit manhattan, and last but not least, london. The trip lasted more than two weeks.

For my first stop, basel, i was there to attend BaselWorld - the world's most renowned jewellery and watch convention, where the world's most famous brands meet; and it wa...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares


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Member Since
November 8, 2007