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Victor Chen
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My favourite things #105 & #106

Having discussed japanese anime City Hunter and Saint Seiya in my previous favourite things blog, today i introduce you two other series i favor, their plot may not be equally long lasting, but their back drop and theme song are such classics its hard to find a match these days. first up is Cobra, created by Buichi Terasawa back in 1978. before i continue on the introduction, pls listen to the follow theme songs.

anime opening theme song 'Cobra' by Yoko Maeno first aired in japan 1982:

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almost 15 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

Question of the day

Question: is there an intangible rule book for gals out there that says, 'when going to theatre with guys, thou shall not buy tickets, otherwise thou look like an ass, yes, even though hes watching the sex in the city movie with u for the fourth time'. i know my blog visitors consist heavily of gals, no offense, but guys out there (...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

Kick Ass - 5/5

writer: Matthew Vaughn, Jane Goldman, Mark Millar(comic) director: Matthew Vaughn cast: Aaron Johnson (kick-ass), Chloë Grace Moretz (hit-girl), ...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Awesome Viddy Game Nerd review - Mass Effect 2|令人驚嘆,VIDDY的遊戲迷測評——質量效應2|令人惊叹,VIDDY的游戏迷测评——质量效应2

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almost 15 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

Blog: Sunday, Apr 4|博客:周日,4月4日|博客:周日,4月4日

statue #1: hey guys, u know its easter today, how come nobody comes to visit us? is it just me or are we not mysterious any more?

statue #2: thats the point, we are too mysterious for them humans to bear, i guess they just gave up on us poor souls...

statue #3: dude, we have been standing here thousands...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

Joke of the month 3.2010|2010年3月的一個笑話|2010年3月的一个笑话

Some of u might find the following disturbing, some of you not quite:

A customer at a McDonald's restaurant in Newport News got more than she bargained for when she received her order. Katherine Ortega said she found a fried chicken's head in the box of chicken wings she ordered Tuesday night. She made the discovery at the McDonald's in the 15000 block of Warwick Boulevard.

Ortega said someone who wasn't looking closely could have easily mistaken the chicken's head for ano...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  25 comments  0 shares

niseko, hokkaido japan 3.2010

Most of you should be aware, that of the main ski area in niseko comprises Annupuri, Higashiyama, Grand Hirafu, and Hanazono, which are sequentially interconnected and may be skied on one ski pass. My second visit this year is quite a blast, the eight of us spend four days skiing eating and onsening, crashed at a lodge just down the valley. The first day i made a feeble attempt to snowboard, due to my lack of talent and icy surface, after hours of practice, or more like shattering my back bones repeatedly, i can only resolve bac...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  43 comments  0 shares


不经不觉,《十二生肖》剧组月底在云南西双版纳杀青,元野将军亦卸甲还乡,将近一个月。记得当初收到剧本,得悉角色造型为人马,恰逢《西游记》在各地方电视台播出,舆论对该剧电脑特技都存在质疑,而人马这角色定位偏偏依重特效。要注意是,当收到剧组通知要进组时,笔者人还在柬埔寨明哥窟旅游。匆匆收拾行李回港已是午夜时分,打开电脑看过剧本,衡量利弊,决定放手一搏,隔天大早抵达杭州,再赶路衢州,然而问题说来就来:笔者接连赶路精神紧张,旧病复发腹部绞痛,是肠胃炎。酒店附近百里都没有能下榻的医院,当日晚上七时病卧在床,反复阵痛至凌晨四时,回想起来,犹有余悸。隔天大早造型,有点意外;看过下图的网友,会发现服装右肩上的马脸面具,本来是作头盔用,无奈马脸太长遮住眼睛,实在不适用,只好作废。意外的是头盔没有后备,如何是好?笔者即值挥毫,按照印第安人的原形,给自己设计了发型跟头带,加上牙齿状头饰,头上设计总算完成。为不浪费服装造型的心血,还特别交代把马脸移到右肩,一切归功《圣斗士星矢》作者车田正美(见下文)。当身上盔甲颜色经总导演程力栋改良后,上半身设计亦告完成。问题便又来了:下半身怎么处理?答案是难。经过多番调整反复拍摄,先用真马,演员腿缠着马脖子,但马吃痛不耐烦,便改用下图的‘马屁股’,但总导演看过剪辑发现比例不合,...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

siem reap, cambodia 1.2010|2010年1月,柬埔寨,暹粒|2010年1月,柬埔寨,暹粒

about 15 years ago 0 likes  46 comments  0 shares

peng zhou, hk 1.2010|香港,坪洲,2010.1.|香港,坪洲,2010.1.

I have never set foot on this small island, located at the north-eastern coast of lantau island. famous for its small island lifestyle, many temples can be found all over, the oldest is the tin hao temple, built in 1792. bicycle is the main means of transport, with no motor vehicle watsoever, there is no surprise to see little kids speeding around. o and apparently, the famous hk footballer lee kin wo lives here with his family.

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about 15 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares


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November 8, 2007