Official Artist
Victor Chen
Actor , Screenwriter , Singer
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Journey to shanghai tv festival 2009|2009上海電視節之旅|2009上海电视节之旅

Almost five months have passed since shooting the series, i cant really express my feelings seeing all the fellow actors once again. I realise i miss them a little more than anticipated, definitely more than a friend, almost like family. We spent four days together, rehearsing for the tv festival show and press conference. I also took the leisure to visit our director joe wong from the series, who was filming another at a near by filming site. Everyone had a bliss. My agent was really hospitable, we had lovely shanghaiese meals non stop; this trip is like dining over and over again, i gained a few kilo at least, thats totally over the limit. O well, time to hit the gym!

our production team had a show booth in the shanghai opera house, from left to right: mr. pig xie ning, mr. monkey fei zhen xiang, mr. monk victor, mr. sand mu feng bin

monkey, me and sand monk, fully charged since completing the series

red in the middle: han xue, cast as skeletor fiend, ambitious lady 

this photo needs emphasis, these guys here are the ORIGINAL cast of journey to the west thirty years ago, they are like our heros in our hearts: from left to right, the present pig, the original pig, present monkey, original monkey, our producer, original sand, me  

miss fooling around with xiao fei (monkey) and xie ning (pig)

... and something will never change lol

glad u like this photo, i was tuning the pitches, not lol | 距離拍攝這個電視劇已經過去快五個月了,我真的無法表達我再一次見到所有演員們的心情。我發現我比想象中還要想他們,他們絕對不只是朋友,幾乎像家人。我們在一起待了四天,為電視節節目和記者招待會排練。同時我利用閑暇時間拜訪了我們這部電視劇的導演喬從,他正在附近的一處拍攝地點拍片。每個人有一中福氣。我的經紀人真是好客,我們不停的吃上海菜,此次旅途就像是一遍一遍不停的吃,我至少胖了幾公斤。哦好吧,又該去健身房了! 我們劇組已經在上海歌劇院亮相過了,從左到右:豬八戒謝寧,孫悟空費振翔,唐僧陳司翰,沙僧馮斌 猴子,我和沙僧,拍攝完電視劇後的第一次合照 中間穿紅衣服的女孩:韓雪,扮演白骨精,野心勃勃的女人 這張照片需要強調一下,這些人是30年前原版西遊記的扮演者,在我們心中他們就像我們的英雄:從左至右,現豬八戒的扮演者,原豬八戒扮演者,現孫悟空扮演者,原孫悟空扮演者,我們的制片人,原沙僧扮演者,我 想念與小費(悟空)和謝寧(八戒)開玩笑的日子 ……有些事情將永遠不會變lol 希望你們喜歡這張照片,我在調音,不是lol| 距离拍摄这个电视剧已经过去快五个月了,我真的无法表达我再一次见到所有演员们的心情。我发现我比想象中还要想他们,他们绝对不只是朋友,几乎像家人。我们在一起待了四天,为电视节节目和记者招待会排练。同时我利用闲暇时间拜访了我们这部电视剧的导演乔从,他正在附近的一处拍摄地点拍片。每个人有一中福气。我的经纪人真是好客,我们不停的吃上海菜,此次旅途就像是一遍一遍不停的吃,我至少胖了几公斤。哦好吧,又该去健身房了!








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