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Comic Creator / Cartoonist , Illustrator , Author
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Shiba Inu's Puppies Live Cam

I seem to wet my pants now. Sorry...As a matter of fact, I have wet my pants a little. :P

Because Siba-inu(※Japanese dog / 柴犬)'s 6 puppies are soooooooooooooo cute!!

I want to keep seeing this live camera all through the day.

Anyway, if this live com is seen, you will be sure to become very happy!!

But, puppies are sometimes gone from the camera front. XDXDXD

Video: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/shiba-inu-pu...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

Become fertilizing for the chest of drawers

The Japanese calls clothes don't wear to be asleep in the chest of drawers "Become fertilizing for the chest of drawers (箪笥の肥やし / Tansu no koyashi)".

I fall in love with a high quality design clothes, and buy clothes don't put on sometimes.

It is no matters because those most is T-shirts.

That is, they are my collections. haha~☆

I have the Aloha shirt that has missed the chance to put on the this summer.

The textile design of this Aoha shirt is very cooooo...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


Did you happily spend the Halloween's night?

By Halloween means for me , John Carpenter's film "HALLOWEEN", and  Misfits's song "HALLOWEEN".

But......I was not able to go to see Rob Zombie wrote and directed film "HALLOWEEN" on October 31 because I was very busy 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。

The day would be a special chance of Halloween!!

Video: http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=dtR9Fxz2lng I was listening to M...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

M's 不能説的秘密

Miffy is one of the my favorite characters.

I love arrangement of color of the illustration that Dick Bruna draws.

But, a reason my favorite is not only that.

I noticed an important fact for about 10 years ago.

What it do you think?

It is a doubt of how to open Miffy's mouth.

(・x・) ← I became scary imagining how to open Miffy's mouth.

How ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares

Always KORG in my pocket

Do you know this Nintendo DS's software"KORG DS-10"?

To tell the truth, this DS soft is Amazon.co.jp only sale.

KORG DS-10 is very epoch-making music tool's software. This is not game.

This is a synthesizer software that m...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

Introduction of the love Japanese bands(4)/WAGDUG FUTURISTIC UNITY

What is the CD album to which I was listening most in the summer of

this year?

It is 【HAKAI】 of WAGDUG FUTURISTIC UNITY's 1st full album.

This album is really always in heavy rotation on my iPod.

WAGDUG FUTURISTIC UNITY is a new project of My loved band / THE MAD CAPSULE MARKETS's vocal " KYONO".

<...Read more
over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


There was a photograph that had forgotten to be up-loaded.

I went to "Namaste India"@代々木公園(Yoyogi Park).

"Namaste India" is the maximum India festival in Japan.

Only the Indian had come to this festival before.

以前Namaste India成座重慶大厦咁。=P

However, not the Indian but the Europe and America people had come a lot this

year. Why???

I love Curry. From friend to calling me "Curry man". It is true.

Whenever going to Hong Kong, I eat 咖哩牛腩飯(Curry Beef Flank with Rice...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

Process of drawing my color illustration

I have no leisure now......maybe.

I'm not killing time now......maybe.

Because I should write the comic's plot now......maybe.

To tell the truth, I was coloring the other day's illustration because writing the plot didn't advance. Just a moment!! I'm real working on the brain!!

I'm drawing the color illustration like this.

I don'...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  31 comments  0 shares

Last One

My awful cold is a little better, but not much.

But, The cold medicine did bought in Hong Kong, a lot of good.

The effect of the medicine in Hong Kong is full!!

And, Japanese cold medicine is good for nothing!!

......But, last one.

I only had to buy more a lot of this medicines.

Because I don't usually think that it buys the cold medicine in July and August. ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares


Hi, Guys!! How do you doing?

I ran a fever in bed.

My friend gave me her cold......屌!!

Friday of last week, I went to F4 JAPAN TOUR 2008@YOKOHAMA ARENA.

I was expecting even more fun than a concert.

YOKOHAMA ARENA's entrance was decora...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  37 comments  0 shares


大家好! 呢個係介紹日本文化的blog. (mixture of 日文&amp;中文&amp;英文text...sorry!) I hope you will be a good friend to me. From Tokyo with Love. もちろん日本語で気軽にどうぞ。その方が私は気が楽なので。

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Member Since
November 24, 2007