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M's 不能説的秘密

Miffy is one of the my favorite characters.

I love arrangement of color of the illustration that Dick Bruna draws.

But, a reason my favorite is not only that.

I noticed an important fact for about 10 years ago.

What it do you think?

It is a doubt of how to open Miffy's mouth.

(・x・) ← I became scary imagining how to open Miffy's mouth.

How do you think though I think that Miffy's mouth opens like this drawing?

Therefore, I think that her mouth is a form like this drawing.

She is like John Carpenter's film "The Thing" !!

Do you know Miffy's father and mother's mouths?

Miffy's father and mother's mouths is the most fearful.

Their mouths are...... (・*・)


These are my doodling while working. I like delusion!!!!!!!!!! :P

about 16 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares
Photo 45948
>MissScarlett Hahaha!! Thanks~☆ It is our work to nurse delusion. And, "Imagination" grow out of there. :D
about 16 years ago
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>MissScarlett Many of delusions are not useful for work. In addition, a happy delusion obstructs work. But I don't worry about me because I'm fun in the delusion. haha
about 16 years ago
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you should include a picture of the real Miffy for people who aren't familiar with the character: http://images.google.com.hk/images?hl=en&q=miffy&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
about 16 years ago
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>MissScarlett Hahaha! The thing that everyone does is the same. :D I also die when a happy thing disappears. NO LIFE, NO FUN!! >musicnote I noticed this fact, and I became to like Miffy. haha >Etchy Thank you for your kindness. I'm told scary of papa and mama by this for everyone. LOL
about 16 years ago
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Hahaha I'm scared of miffy now. ^_^
about 16 years ago
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>JV You will be taken Miffy's prisoner now. hahaha!!
about 16 years ago
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Iya~~~~~~~ Tasukete! (uh sounds feminine huh? heh)
about 16 years ago
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>JV Your feminine Japanese is perfect!! (о'д')b -☆
about 16 years ago
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Yatta. Demo ore wa otoko daiyo. Dang my japanese is getting worse. I can't think of how to say "I gotta talk like a cool guy" heh.
about 16 years ago
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>rottendoubt But, Papa and Mama's mouths are........... scary ━━━((;゚Д゚))━━━!! >JV It says in Japanese like this; "Ore wa cho-iketeru yatsu mitai ni hanashitaize" Because slang word is included in this, it is difficult. heheheΨ(`∀´)Ψ
about 16 years ago
Photo 45948
>Nitsy Σ(゚д゚ll) HELLO KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that HELLO KITTY's mouth is not seeing it always small. But, when eating, her mouth will surely open very greatly when she eats. My fear......It is fancy caractars......Σ(=Д=ノ)ノ
about 16 years ago


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