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Always KORG in my pocket

Do you know this Nintendo DS's software"KORG DS-10"?

To tell the truth, this DS soft is Amazon.co.jp only sale.

KORG DS-10 is very epoch-making music tool's software. This is not game.

This is a synthesizer software that makes KORG MS-10's design concept.

You only have to carry with DS, you can readily play the KORG anytime and anywhere.

Anyway, please look at this YouTube because it is very interesting software.

Video: http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=vmIwZDVJSwI ※process of making a track

Video: http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=rorBOzwR3T By the way, I also bought KORG DS-10. But I cannot master it......(-_-;)

When I can master this???

16 年多 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i need to buy 3 more DS!
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>Etchy .......Fact is, I also need to buy 3 more DS. Σ(=Д=ノ)ノ It is impossible for me!!
16 年多 ago
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>Reni I noticed...... I was able to buy 1 cheap synthesizer when 3 DS was bought.
16 年多 ago
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
i regret selln my DS
16 年多 ago
Photo 45948
>musicnote This software is sales only of the mail order of Japan. Because it is very interesting software, I think to only have to sell it even in foreign countries. >D'in 嘩~、好可惜呀……。 I can play the piano. (……"can"? no no, "was able to" ) I noticed that I was not able to compose. I did not have the ability to compose. Therefore, I think that the way to my mastering this software is long. (-_-)<……
16 年多 ago


大家好! 呢個係介紹日本文化的blog. (mixture of 日文&中文&英文text...sorry!) I hope you will be a good friend to me. From Tokyo with Love. もちろん日本語で気軽にどうぞ。その方が私は気が楽なので。


english, cantonese, japanese
November 24, 2007