Hi, Guys!! How do you doing?
I ran a fever in bed.
My friend gave me her cold......屌!!
Friday of last week, I went to F4 JAPAN TOUR 2008@YOKOHAMA ARENA.
I was expecting even more fun than a concert.
YOKOHAMA ARENA's entrance was decorated with the bouquets that F4's fans had presented them.
Taiwan, HK, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea, Japan, USA, Canada......and, Netherlands and Italy, too!!
What a World Wide idle they are!!
It was a concert that they not only sing, cosplay, and acting.
And Idol's basic style is wear the suit in defferent color. (о'д')b‐☆
It was really a very happy concert.
Our priority is to have sex appeal than appetite for food.
So my friends and I went to the 新横濱拉麵博物館(Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum) before see to the concert.
First of all, we ate 井出商店(Ide Shouten)'s 中華そば(豬骨醤油味 / Mild tonkotsu soy sauce broth).
As for this Ramen shop, the egg boiled with the soy sauce is very delicious!!
We also went to the next shop.
Oh. Please don't worry.
Because, there are ramens "Mini size" in this museum. =P
I ate "赤湯からみそラーメン(赤湯辣醬油拉麵 / soy sauce flavored soup with red hot miso ramen)" in 龍上海本店 (Ryu-Shanghai Honten).
This Ramen's soup is very delicious!! (゚д゚)<yummy~♪
We really enjoyed 新横濱拉麵博物館.
The set like Cinecittà (from Italy) is built in 新横濱拉麵博物館.
Here reproduces the downtown in old Japan.
This is nostalgic 昭和(Showa)'s Japan.
When the pic is taken here, it is very fun.
Japanese style stall
The color of the sky is good☆
"Travelog of Naked Artist"
Do you know 山下清(Kiyoshi Yamashita)?
This is 駄菓子屋(Dagashi-ya).
It is Japanese junk food & toy shop for kids.
And......King of Japanese kidz's junk "soul" food is "うまい棒(Umai-bou)".
うまい棒 has various kinds of flavores.
We bubbled over. hahaha~☆
大家好! 呢個係介紹日本文化的blog. (mixture of 日文&中文&英文text...sorry!) I hope you will be a good friend to me. From Tokyo with Love. もちろん日本語で気軽にどうぞ。その方が私は気が楽なので。