Official Artist
Pat Lee
Director , Painter
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Art Exhibition @ GarageWorks!|藝術展@GarageWorks!|艺术展@GarageWorks!

AnD Folks,

I will be having an Art Exhibition @ GarageWorks new store location located in Sheng Wan which I will be showcasing 15 years of some of my favorite original art pieces ranging from Superman, Batman, IronMan, Spiderman, Transformers and GIJoe.

We will also be showcasing some original artwork to a new comic book that we will be distributing in the US co-created by myself and 2R(Rosanne and Race Wong). Check out some of the pencil artwork that we have been developing for ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  37 comments  0 shares

AliveNotDead/HKSPC Auction/BATMAN|AliveNotDead/HKSPC拍賣/蝙蝠俠|AliveNotDead/HKSPC拍卖/蝙蝠侠

AnD folks,

Yesterday was an incredibly long day - first of all I want to say Happy Birthday to Stephen - Happy birthday man. So yesterday we went to visit the AnD guys and had a mini celebration with Stephen. Don't forget to stop by his page and wish him a Happy Birthday! Here are some pictures from my visit:

OoooH N...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  40 comments  0 shares

HardPack Packed with Packed CDS n People!! @_@|

AnD folks,

It was nice to see some of my good friends after coming back from Toronto -- Here are some pictures of yesterdays HardPack event. It was jammed and rammed with people. Wonder Twin Patrick ;) Always good hangin out with the "Other" Patrick haha!

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over 15 years ago 0 likes  22 comments  0 shares

Family/Comics/DeepSky and MORE!

AnD Folks,

Toronto has been one awesome trip - it was nice to come back to see my family and celebrate Halloween and my brothers B-Day. Here are some photos from my trip:

The mornings were awesome - especially when my brother's kids were making some Elmo and Cookie Monster waffles!! They were so well made I didn't want to EATthem.

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over 15 years ago 0 likes  64 comments  0 shares

DeepSky Pictures

Hey Folks,

It has been one thrilling ride with all the different projects that we have been working on and all in different stages. I am very excited to head back to Hong Kong to attend the "HKSPC" Charity even organization where I will be illustrating a "secret" super Hero thanks to our sponsors. Other projects that are currently in production is "ORIUS" where we have been steadily developing and working on with the lovely 2R and not only have we co-created it together -- yes, they are in it!

I ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

DeepSky Pictures

And Folks,

It has been one thrilling ride with all the different projects that we have been working on and all in different stages. I am very excited to head back to Hong Kong to attend the "HKSPC" Charity even organization where I will be illustrating a "secret" super Hero thanks to our sponsors. Other projects that are currently in production is "ORIUS" where we have been steadily developing and working on with the lovely 2R and not only have we co-created it togeth...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares

Designs for Janet Jackson

Hey Folks,

It's been pretty nuts coming back to Toronto, it's REALLY cold here - but loving every minute. Been crazy busy with work and wish I can share what I'm working on but all confidential sure you understand. ;)

Anywho, One of the first music videos I've Art Directed in the past was with Janet Jackson and Director Joseph Kahn. It was probably the best experience I've had with music video production. Why? You have no idea how little time you have to do it and the amount of work that needs to ...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  32 comments  0 shares

Sketch, Ilustrate, paint, splatter!

Doing some doodles over the weekend with marker and water color. No pencils.

I have to by a new scanner.

Dropping some blackness.


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almost 16 years ago 0 likes  40 comments  0 shares

Shaw Studios, Magic Buttons and Kids!


Team in Toronto building one of our new websites.

Doing some comic book stuff at the lounge above my pad. Love ...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  39 comments  0 shares

3D Animation Projects

Here are some 3D Animations I Directed and Co-Produced.Please visit PLP's other affiliated websites:

www.patleegallery.com www.DeepSkyPictures.com

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Hong Kong
Member Since
April 16, 2007