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Mio's 5th trip! :-P

My good friend Mio came back to HK for like the 4th time since November.  This time she brought the family...  

Somehow I volunteered to help her find a good restaurant for them to see Hong Kong's famous Symphony of Lights light show (a fancy laser and light show that is simultaneously coordinated between the roof of dozens of Hong Kong's tallest buildings.

I got a reservation at the swanky 'Hu Tong' restaurant at One Peking Road. ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Bathing Ape aftermath - so very tired...

last night was the big Kanye West + Pharrell + Teriyaki Boyz show...  and the afterparty...didn't get home til 5am and thank god my computer was at the office, so i couldn't start blogging about it right away. ;-)

too busy (and tired) to do much now at the office, but here's a quicky teaser:

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

Van Ness is a nice guy!

Hey guys,  i should be heading to sleep,  just got back from a birthday party... lots of photos to upload, but gotta do my backlogged ones first!

I wanted to blog about meeting up with Van Ness Wu last last weekend.  As some of you may know he was passing through HK on his way to do some events in China.   While he was here not only did we get to meet up, but he also did a really nice thing,  he agreed to help out with our JC 'Awakening' Fundraiser effort, by generously autogr...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  18 comments  0 shares

Myspace.com stole my video and put it on their front page!

I just found out that some cock on myspace uploaded a wushu video that I made for fun a few years back for my old wushu website....  and for some reason myspace.com decided to feature it on their front page!僕は6年前作ったのビデオ今MYSPACE.COMのトップページに有る。でも僕はここでアップしませんでした。他の人STEALしていました!バカ!ファック!

some genius decided to call it 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Saber'... 

...Read more
over 16 years ago 0 likes  22 comments  0 shares

Surprise Birthday Party...

Wow, another busy day... I'm really tired, but i gotta blog now, or else I'll fall behind!

Here's a quick blog about a surprise birthday party we did for a special lady last last week.  we waited at a Karaoke room in CWB for her...


I missed the blowing out the cake shot. Doh! that's the birthday girl in the jacket... <...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

Rack's 1 Year Anniversary

Last last Thursday was the first anniversary of Racks Hong Kong... 

In case you never read this blog... you may not know, but Racks is a pretty kickass pool hall/bar here in HK.  We pretty much end up there at least once a week on average, and sometimes much more often...  The boss is none other than Min Yoo, so we wanted to come out and show our support!  My friend サちゃん was still in town, so we headed down early to check out some of the media stuff out front... 

二週前の木曜日僕と...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  21 comments  0 shares

Chanel Mobile Art + More Racks...

As I mentioned Racks had a pretty cool 1st Anniversary Party a week and a half ago,  but ironically two days later we ended up back there with quite an assembly of friends and AnD artists...

Around 7:30 we headed over to the Chanel Mobile Art Container.  Galleri Magazine was hosting a reception there,  it was a good chance to check this thing out...

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  18 comments  0 shares

Asian Week mention of AnD After Party

AsianWeek...  a San Francisco based weekly newspaper (that I used to read rather regularly about 10 years ago) did a brief mention of Daniel and Patrick at the SF International Asian American Film Festival two weeks back:

Daniel Wu, Single and On The Prowl? Blood Brothers’ Daniel Wu arrived in San Francisco without girlfrie...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

More Friends in Town - 3

Last wednesday I left work at 7 and met up with Ma-chan and Sa-chan...  they had spent the day shopping and were waiting for me in Central...  I promised to take them out for dinner.

BELIEVE IT OR NOT - I tried to find someone to come with me, but none of the people I emailed or called seemed to be interested in or able to go double dating with two attractive Japanese girls...   no one! unbelievable! :-P


Anyway, since we met in Central, I took them...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares

More Friends in Town - 2

Continuing from my last blog...

After showing them TST and the star ferry, i took my two Japanese visitors to the Night Market

on Temple Street in Yau Ma Tei ( wikipedia).  Its a regular street during the day, but at night they close off the road and set up a lot of stalls selling all kinds of stuff:

日本から友達来たから、九龍の 廟街ナイトマーケトへ連れて行った.色々物を売れます: Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!

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April 13, 2007