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Chanel Mobile Art + More Racks...

As I mentioned Racks had a pretty cool 1st Anniversary Party a week and a half ago,  but ironically two days later we ended up back there with quite an assembly of friends and AnD artists...

Around 7:30 we headed over to the Chanel Mobile Art Container.  Galleri Magazine was hosting a reception there,  it was a good chance to check this thing out...

it totally looks like a UFO, especially w/ the lighting at night...

"Take me to your leader!" There were a couple cool things inside(the puddle reflection particularly... and the machine gun video), some was kind of weird and not my style...

Shan came dressed up. :-P

And not surprisingly afterwards we met up with some friends at Racks...

Yes, that pool shark in the Alivenotdead.com hat is none other than Smell-o-phobe Phil Ng.

Actually not only was he there, but so were a bunch of really cool AnD artists:

Everything was going just fine for a while...  But then this evil, evil man showed up with his little metal shaker and something called Patrón:

Apparently he personally consumes at least 1 out of every four bottles sold in Hong Kong...

fast forward an hour or two, and yes... more drunken Patrick photos:

ok, arm wrestling the Onimal... that was a bad idea...

fast forward another hour or two, and he's too far gone to tell the difference between male and female:

"you know,  you're very handsome..."

I am horrified at what happened next...  I won't even repeat what happened. But you can guess just by looking at the expression on these guys' faces:

" The Horror! The Horror"

Another tiring, but fun night out in HK... 

16 年多 前 0 赞s  18 评论s  0 shares
Nice pics!
16 年多 ago
01 04 andrew
yeah, we go way back...
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
there's a lot you don't remember!
16 年多 ago
oh?? i met u @ LKF????
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
tungtung: yes, i forgot to mention that, we ran into you guys on our way out. look what you missed! ;-)
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
joanne: patron is some kind of tequila apparently.
16 年多 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007