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JC Exhibition Opening Event

Yesterday Evening I ran down to Central to the Diesel exhibition space to check out the much anticipated exhibition and fund raiser sale of the work of the photographer JC:

昨天下午我去看很有明的 香港攝影師JC的攝影展開幕會:

昨日有名な 撮影者JCの展示会開館:

Race Wong, Rosanne Wong and Wing Shya had all been working really hard to put this event together and Fed at Diesel had been nice enough to donate the space, so I wanted to show support and also take some good pictures to publicize the event!

The set up was very simple.  As you can see in Race's blog and Wing's blog from the setting up.

The prints are for sale, and as you can see JC has photographed a LOT of famous faces in Asia!


I heard that one on the right is the biggest seller so far....


I think this one of Anthony Wong(黃秋生) is one of my favorites.


There was much support from HK artists for this event.

From left to right, congratulatory flowers from Edison Chen(陳冠希),  Miriam Yeung (楊千嬅) and Daniel Wu and Lisa S.

Even though this exhibition wasn't a fancy invitation only event with a big party or lots of paparazzi,  a LOT of the people in JC's photos came out to speak with reporters and visitors about their photos and to help sell some prints:

oh wow, Miriam Yeung (楊千嬅)! its like double vision... actually triple vision!

I believe this is Isabella Leung. She's quite tall.

Shawn Yue (余文樂).  He brought his own camera with him and was taking a lot of pictures (and also giving interviews to the press).

Alexi Tan talking to Josie Ho.  She had several pictures up on display as well, but she could only stay briefly, she had to run off to Macau for a big event.

Race was quite busy helping to run things, but she took a moment out to meet on of our Alivenotdead.com artists, the beautiful Miss Li-Tong,  who is down in HK again for another event.  Race immediately recognized Li-Tong from October's 'Musical Moments' show.  I insisted on a photo. :-)

Rosanne was busy in the back working too!

They asked guests to make autographed pictures with messages for JC... but how to take photos instantly? 

為了給JC, 他們讓大家拍照片和寫一個短信...可是怎麼當下拍?

They had a creative solution:

有好的意見- 復印幾...

you know this is totally against the manufacturer's guidelines!

It uses a lot of toner, but its a cool idea!

I knew mine would be unattractive, so I decided to go for the face smear... like we used to do back in the copy room when I was doing those summer internships back in High School. :-P

我是高學生時候我印好多張這樣'自畫像'! :-P

私の自画像如何ですか?かっこい?高校生時そなのよくした! :-P

Even if you don't have enough money to buy a print or JC's book,  I encourage you all to check it out and show your support.  They're asking for only a small donation (only HK$20) at the door and you can see many of his works.  Also they have T-shirts (as you can see Race and Rosanne wearing) for sale for only HK$200. 

Please support!  (Its right upstairs from the Terry Richardson exhibition, so you can see both at once).

如果你在香港,請來這個 攝影展!  進費很少,可以看很多的有意思的照片.買的襯衫也不算貴!

香港来たら、この 展示会来て下さい!面白し、高くないし!本とテシャツも売ります。

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  44 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
no idea! you tell me!
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ah! Isabella Leung!
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
mine is not so bad too right? :-)
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i tried, but they were worried about the glass breaking...
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
I hope all the AnD members who happen to be visiting HK over the holidays can check this out.
almost 17 years ago
Photo 23833
haha i like ur pic.
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i call it 'Etchy Under Glass'
almost 17 years ago
Photo 33405
How about polaroids for instant pics? ;) hehe But the photocopies are a unique way of doing it. I'll definitely go check it out...
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ivy: polaroids aren't quite as instant and they're harder to write a message on... :-P
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yes they actually were.
almost 17 years ago


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