(星島)2010年1月17日 星期日
(星島日報報道)梁敏儀、彭冠期和白梓軒等主演、雲翔導演的電影《安非他命》,入圍第60屆柏林影展全景單元及提名泰迪熊獎,前晚導演與一眾演員齊齊開大食會慶祝新片入圍柏林影展活動。導演雲翔表示接到入圍消息十分開心 ,亦是對整體演員和幕後工作人員的大鼓勵,雲翔還謂稍後會與5位男女演員、6位幕後工作人員前往出席影展,自己則會以便裝出戰柏林,更望此行能奪泰迪熊獎而回。
而彭冠期表示未試過出電影的大場面盛會,這次有機會出柏林影展,也是他未能想像之事,問到有否信心得獎?他說:「有獎當然是大鼓勵,我拍電影是得來不易,最多謝是劉國昌和雲翔導演給我機會。...Read more
On October, Winnie had gone on a trip to Shanghai for 3 days.
This trip is for pleasure, not for business...
It must have been many years since my last trip to Shanghai.
The best thing I've nabbed for this trip are the custom-made shoes I bought at the Nike Shop Design.
Only 3-4 weeks required to be made and the...Read more
Haven't blogged in a long time...
All because I've kept myself occupied lately.
I would've never thought that what I have to share with you all...is such a tragic event!!In the past few days, the Hong Kong newspapers have been talking about the car accident in Tseung Kwan O.It breaks my heart to see such an incid...Read more
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6qKwHRNp7o&feature=related
People not only seek for improvement but they seek for a breakthrough as well.
They seek to break through the barriers that surround them.
That courage and determination is huge.
We should do all we need to do while we're still young.
There is o...Read more
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2npk4ngdVW0 Through this past September,
Little Winnie has been going back and forth between Macau and Mainland China...
And I've been enjoying the busy schedule at work.
It'd be better if my daily schedule kept me even busier!!
I haven't been attending dance classes too often these days.
But it's not that I'm giving up on it...I could arrange ti...Read more
Well, our last moments in Thailand has finally arrived...
It's time to leave...it's really time to leave...
On that day, we arranged to check out at 2pm.
And it was obvious that Little Winnie, Mun-Mun, Heng & Vic are the ones who took the longest to wake up from slumber!!!
To be honest, I started sleeping at 7am and had to get up at 1pm. I don't think I've gone too far...hahaha....
The four of us washed up ourselves at top speed and packed up our l...Read more
Just recently, I've attended school uniform costume birthday party.
Guests who attended the party also came here dressed in school uniforms!! Our group of over 30 people arranged to have dinner in a restaurant aro...Read more
The "5 Days/4 Nights Drinking" crew is up to its fourth day...
I suddenly don't feel leaving yet...
I don't wanna go back to Hong Kong.
Instead of feeling so bittersweet about it, I might as well enjoy the rest of my time here!!
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The 3rd day for the "5 Day/4 Night Drink-Till-We-Drop-in-Thailand" crew has officially begun!!
After having a not-so-impressive breakfast, we hopped on the streetcar and headed towards the beach...
Because the cruise ship we booked was heading towards another island, we decided to have some fun in the sun for the day...