Continuing off from my last blog...
The 2nd day of the "5 Days/4 Nights Drink-Till-We-Drop-In-Thailand" crew has finally begun..
A group of friends had made arrangements to check out at the lobby on 1pm.
I originally intended shop around and see the 4-faced Buddha statue...
The alarm on my cell phone rang...after shutting it off...I slept again...
I got too tired...had a bit of a wild time last night!!
It was already 12:30pm when I woke up...
It took 30 m...Read more
In the beginning of September, we went in a group of 10 people for our trip to Pattaya, Bangkok...
This trip was named as the "5 Days/4 Nights Drink-Till-We-Drop" crew.
I suppose you can figure out what's going on with a name like that!! haha!!
On the day that we took off, we boarded the 8...Read more
...Read moreI suddenly don't feel at ease's rather strange... Turns out that it's been a month already... This month has gone by rather slowly!! It feels more like three months.. The sea waves have brought back the grounded fish again and again. When will they safely survive in a fish bowl? Perhaps...these fishes ...Read more
雲妮家中養了2隻英國曲卡犬 ..
一直以來 , 牠們吃的是 IAMS Adult Chunks ( 40lbs size ) 的乾狗糧 ..
8年以來也沒什麽問題 ..
直到近2個月 , 有些不對勁了 ..
2個月前 , 我買了一包新的狗糧 ..
打開後 , 發現有點異樣 ..
本來深啡色的糧 , 上面有一些白點 ..
心想 .. 這應該沒什麼問題的 ..
小狗們吃了2星期後 , 我發現乾糧上有些類似 " 小曱蟲形狀 " 的昆蟲出現 ..
與此同時 , 小狗們也出現持續肚疴的狀況 ..
我心想 , 那糧可能已是過了限期 .. 掉了...Read more
TIred...a tiring few weeks...My body and mind is exhausted..Picking up the things I've left off seems more perceptual than logical!!
After this, then what?
Can't cure the cause and return to my old path...
Brain is in a jam once again...can't turn back...tragic event occurs once more!!
I can...Read more
I went over to Chaozhou for the past few days.
It's great to have work! But as wingyin mama and I found out that there is a 5 hour drive from Shenzhen to Chaozhou, we couldn't help but to stay idle. If there was a traffic jam, it might even take 8 hours....OH MY GOD......
So in order to kill some time during this long travel, I brought my Ipod and listened to some music. It feels just like travelling with a tour group!! Read more