Official Artist
Winnie Leung
Actor , Model
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my Way ~~

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6qKwHRNp7o&feature=related

People not only seek for improvement but they seek for a breakthrough as well.

They seek to break through the barriers that surround them.

That courage and determination is huge.

We should do all we need to do while we're still young.

There is only a 50-50 chance for either victory or loss.

It's worth the risk.

Because our only wager is "time".

Do you expect to wager when you're 50 years old?

Watching you happily succeed...

As a friend, I would be happy for you.

Continue to pursue for your ideals..

I shall await to see you again in Taipei. | Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6qKwHRNp7o&feature=related

人 .. 每日追求的不只進步 .. 而是突破 ..

要衝破固有的框框 ..

那份勇氣 , 決心是很大的 ..

該襯我們年青時 .. 做我們想做的事 ..

贏與輸的比例是二分之一 ..

博得起呢 ..

皆因我們的後備注碼是 " 時間 " ..

難道要近半百時才去下注嗎 ??

看見你的快樂 , 成功 ..

作為朋友真的高興 ..

繼續向著你的理想進發 ..

期待下次台北之旅再興你一聚 ..| Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6qKwHRNp7o&feature=related

人 .. 每日追求的不只进步 .. 而是突破 ..

要冲破固有的框框 ..

那份勇气 , 决心是很大的 ..

该衬我们年青时 .. 做我们想做的事 ..

赢与输的比例是二分之一 ..

博得起呢 ..

皆因我们的后备注码是 " 时间 " ..

难道要近半百时才去下注吗 ??

看见你的快乐 , 成功 ..

作为朋友真的高兴 ..

继续向着你的理想进发 ..

期待下次台北之旅再兴你一聚 ..

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


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August 7, 2007