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Bankok & Pattaya Trip @ Sept Day 5 .. Last Day

Well, our last moments in Thailand has finally arrived...

It's time to leave...it's really time to leave...

On that day, we arranged to check out at 2pm.

And it was obvious that Little Winnie, Mun-Mun, Heng & Vic are the ones who took the longest to wake up from slumber!!!

To be honest, I started sleeping at 7am and had to get up at 1pm.  I don't think I've gone too far...hahaha....

The four of us washed up ourselves at top speed and packed up our luggages.

Then we went to the noodle shop by the hotel for a quick lunch...

And we got in the car to head for the airport.

To my surprise, the other team-mates went to shop again in the morning...

That's amazing!!!

What makes it so amazing is that they managed to get up so early!!  That's awesome!!!

Everyone fell asleep in the car when we were going to Bangkok Airport from Pattaya...

But little ol' me did not.

I was still thinking about the past few days of my vacation.

It had suddenly started to rain on our way to the airport in Bangkok.

I thought that it was raining at the right moment.

The raining had stopped as soon as we arrived at the airport.

I could even see a rainbow...

Maybe it was the perfect end of a vacation!!

Everyone's all spent out of Thai currency from our 5 day/4 night vacation.

The only diner available in the airport is Burger King...



Cool...I love it...

I love "western" food...wakakaka...

While in the airplane, I was thinking.....

I wonder when our next vacation will be...

In a short few days, I got to know and better understand my friends...

Such sentiments and each image frame, I will always remember...

And above all, treasure it.............................. |

"泰國5日4夜不醉無歸喪飲團 " 最後一天期限已到 ..

要走的 ..真的要走了 ..

那天 .. 約定了2pm check out ..

當然雲妮小妹 .. 雯雯 .. 恆哥哥 .. & 亞域也是瞓到最遲起床的人啦 !!

老實說 .. 早上7am才睡 .. 到 1pm要醒來 .. 也不太過份啊 .. wakakaka ..

四人以極速時間梳洗 .. 拾行李 ..

再到洒店旁的 noodles shop 吃過快的午餐 ..

就趕著上車到機場了 ..

真的沒想過 , 其他隊友今早又去有了掃貨 ..


厲害是他們可以那麼早起床啊 !! 勁呀 ~~~~

由 Pattaya 去 Bankok機場的車程 .. 眾人也睡了 ..

但小妹沒有 ..

我仍想著旅程的日子 ..

前往 Bankok機場的途中.. 突然下雨 ..

心想 .. 這場雨下得合時了 ..

將到抵機場 .. 雨停下來 ..

七色彩虹我看見啊 ..

或許這就是旅程美好的完結吧 !!

五天四夜旅程 .. 大家餘下的泰銖真是所剩無己 ..

能到機場吃的晚餐就只有 Burger King ..



Cool .. i love it ..

我愛 " 西 " 式食品啊 ... wakakaka ..

在航機上 .. 我想 ........

下一次我們的旅程是什麼時候呢 ..

短短的幾天 .. 我了解 , 認識我的隊友 ..

那份情 .. 每個畫面我會記著 ..

珍惜著 .................................| "泰国5日4夜不醉无归丧饮团 " 最后一天期限已到 ..

要走的 ..真的要走了 ..

那天 .. 约定了2pm check out ..

当然云妮小妹 .. 雯雯 .. 恆哥哥 .. & 亚域也是瞓到最迟起床的人啦 !!

老实说 .. 早上7am才睡 .. 到 1pm要醒来 .. 也不太过份啊 .. wakakaka ..

四人以极速时间梳洗 .. 拾行李 ..

再到洒店旁的 noodles shop 吃过快的午餐 ..

就赶着上车到机场了 ..

真的没想过 , 其他队友今早又去有了扫货 ..


厉害是他们可以那麽早起床啊 !! 劲呀 ~~~~

由 Pattaya 去 Bangkok机场的车程 .. 众人也睡了 ..

但小妹没有 ..

我仍想着旅程的日子 ..

前往 Bankok机场的途中.. 突然下雨 ..

心想 .. 这场雨下得合时了 ..

将到抵机场 .. 雨停下来 ..

七色彩虹我看见啊 ..

或许这就是旅程美好的完结吧 !!

五天四夜旅程 .. 大家馀下的泰铢真是所剩无己 ..

能到机场吃的晚餐就只有 Burger King ..    

Cool .. i love it ..

我爱 " 西 " 式食品啊 ... wakakaka ..

在航机上 .. 我想 ........

下一次我们的旅程是什麽时候呢 ..

短短的几天 .. 我了解 , 认识我的队友 ..

那份情 .. 每个画面我会记着 ..

珍惜着 .................................

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
Hey ah Hang .. next destination .. ?? 2010 April 泰國潑水節囉
接近 15 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007