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Eric's Dance class 08/10 CIARA - Work

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2npk4ngdVW0 Through this past September,

Little Winnie has been going back and forth between Macau and Mainland China...

And I've been enjoying the busy schedule at work.

It'd be better if my daily schedule kept me even busier!!

I haven't been attending dance classes too often these days.

But it's not that I'm giving up on it...I could arrange time for more classes so I'll keep going at it......

Last week, I accidentally hurt my hip...

It hurt really badly at that moment...

But because I was in a hurry to go to Guangzhou for work, I couldn't see the doctor on time...

Of course, it greatly affected my work in a bad manner as I work during all this pain.

After returning to Hong Kong, I went to the doctor's office and had an x-ray examination so everything was okay...

But it was still hurting...

I did attend dance class this week, though.

However, there were a few stretching exercises that I couldn't do in my current condition.

But I will try my best..........

This time, Eric choreographed for Ciara's "Work"...

It's a song that makes me happy upon listening to it.

I hope my hip injuries recover as soon as possible...

Then I could improve on my dancing!!!!!

Work harder, everybody!!!!  Work hard!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Thanks, Sui-Kei and Eric for teaching us for the night despite your allergies!!!| Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2npk4ngdVW0

剛過去的9月份 ..

雲妮小妹澳門 , 國內兩邊走 ..

享受工作的忙碌 ..

若能把每天的時間表排得密麻麻 .. 更好啊 !!

我的跳舞課程 .. 確實是上少了次數 ..

但我不是放棄 .. 時間安排到 .. 仍繼續的 ......

上星期 .. 不小心弄傷腰 ..

那刻真是痛得叫命 ..

因為要趕返廣州工作 .. 醫生也來不及去看 ..

痛著的工作 .. 當然這夜的演出也失準了 !!

返港後 .. 看了醫生及照 X- Ray  .. 一切沒大礙 ..

但仍是隱隱作痛 ..

這星期我也有上跳舞課程 ..

當然有些拉根動作 , 現狀況的我是做不到 ..

我會量力而為的 ...

今次 Eric 排了 CIARA - Work ..

一首令人聽到很開心的歌 ..

希望自己腰傷早點康覆 ..

可以跳得更好啊 !!!!!

Everybody .. 也加油 .. 努力呀 ........

PS .. 謝謝瑞琪 .. 及 Eric 帶病教課的一夜 !!!| Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2npk4ngdVW0

刚过去的9月份 ..

云妮小妹澳门 , 国内两边走 ..

享受工作的忙碌 ..

若能把每天的时间表排得密麻麻 .. 更好啊 !!

我的跳舞课程 .. 确实是上少了次数 ..

但我不是放弃 .. 时间安排到 .. 仍继续的 ......

上星期 .. 不小心弄伤腰 ..

那刻真是痛得叫命 ..

因为要赶返广州工作 .. 医生也来不及去看 ..

痛着的工作 .. 当然这夜的演出也失准了 !!

返港後 .. 看了医生及照 X- Ray  .. 一切没大碍 ..

但仍是隐隐作痛 ..

这星期我也有上跳舞课程 ..

当然有些拉根动作 , 现状况的我是做不到 ..

我会量力而为的 ...

今次 Eric 排了CIARA - Work ..

一首令人听到很开心的歌 ..

希望自己腰伤早点康覆 ..

可以跳得更好啊 !!!!!

Everybody .. 也加油 .. 努力呀 ........

PS .. 谢谢瑞琪 .. 及 Eric 带病教课的一夜 !!!

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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