Official Artist
vince matthew chung
Actor , MC / Show Host , Comedian
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We're Landing on Hong Kong side !

Been super slack again with the blogging but this is HUGE .. so I gotta tell y'all to check it out!

What: 1st EVER ASIAN FLUGTAG Who: Alive not Dead Team When: 10/10/10 Where: West Kowloon Heliport ( West Kowloon Promenade) Why: .... because you'll want to be apart of HISTORY !

That's right folks , I'm going to be part of the Alive not Dead team along with Simon Yin, Derrick Fong and Gloria Wong!

With former NASA engineer Etchy drawing up the schematics we're sure to go far! ...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

Jeanne Hartman

Hey y'all I've been so slack with the blogging lately but I've got to let you all know about this...

##If y'all get a chance, sign up for Jeanne Hartman's acting class while she is still here in Hong Kong.  No matter what your acting experience or ability is,  you will definitely take something away to help you with your craft.  I just finished taking the 2 day intensive last w...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares

VMC X Fox Crime

Hey Y'all.... I'm back blogging again!  Still waiting for some moollah...

You will all get to see my ugly mug on TV more haha...

The CB FRESH boys recently shot a series of promos for Fox Crime that should be airing after the Lunar New Year...

Yes I am the angelic one .... haha....

"What .. What are you looking at....?" 

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about 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

Four Hours Behind

Team Hong Kong ... Four Hours Behind ...  "Don't get lost!"

Governorate of Muscat Office  We started 4 hours behind because we were unable to complete the roadblock from the last leg and had to stay focused on our tasks..... one thing we always remembered was "Don't get lost!"  We headed down the cliffs and navigated our way to the Governorate of Muscat Office.  We flagged d...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares



4 hours back but still in the RACE…

Baja Caves We had to travel to Baja caves, which was 60km away.  When we got there it there was an hour of operations so we decided to go to rest at a motel nearby.  In the morning all the teams bunched early at the hours of operation and we hiked up the steep steps to get our clue.

Travel to Pune by trainRead more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

Episode 9 We're back on top!

We’re back on top!

Go to Pune India and Cricket Stadium

We got into our taxi and headed back to the airport to take a flight to Mumbai.  On the plane I asked a flight attendant what the best way to get to Pune was and she said that...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

Episode 8

Episode 8

That was close!  

Go to the Ruins of St. Paul We started early in the morning at the Temple and had to go to the Ruins to get the next clue which directed us to go back to the Macau Tower.  We were lucky that some kids were touring around on scooters and happened to be hanging around at the temple area.  We used their phones to call a taxi to come get us. 

Macau TowerRead more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares

Episode 7

Episode 7

Woah Nelly that was action packed!

Goldfish Market

The first thing we did when we got our clue was to give Tania and Ida money for the next leg.  This was a tradition that we knew of from the previous Races…  We opened the clue and went to the Goldfish Market in Mong Kok to pick up 2 goldfish each.  They were very interesting, oddly shaped and rather large goldfish… not the ones you t...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares

Episode 6

We're on our way home ... but still in the game and still in first! 

Fly to Hong Kong

When we opened the clue we were excited to fly to Hong Kong.  I wanted to go to unexplored places far flung from my previous travels but as far as getting ahead in the Race… I was quite happy to travel to our home turf.  We were able to take the early flight out from Taipei and knew exactly where to go. 

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

Sony commercial

Some behind the scenes shots of the Sony Commercial that we shot in September.  I saw it for the first time yesterday.  It was supposed to be a 2 day shoot but we squeezed it into one SUPER LONG DAY... but it was worth it cause then it allowed us more free time to hang out in Singapore!  I'll try to get a copy of it and post it haha...

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


everything tastes good when it's deep fried... Check it out...my next project! www.cbfresh.com .... HAHAHA... !!!! VMC

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english, cantonese
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 30, 2008