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tessar lo
Animal Trainer/Handler , Painter , Author
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yes, love.

hey hey. more good news:

check out my feature on startdrawing.org. mad love from asia. thank you, josef lee.


over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


hello friends, i have been getting some good feedback from a bunch of people all over the place- thanks for taking the time to email me and letting me in on your respective creative interests/achievements.

i have been working on a new painting and it is taking a bit of a longer time because i'm trying to be a bit more thoughtful with my work.

i sent out a bunch of my work to LA recently to see if i am good enough to be in a couple shows down there. there are some people that will be looking at my work and may be able to help me m...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


here is a little toying around i did, influenced by an article in MONOCLE about the identical qualities of newscasting; there is a trend for female news anchors to be white, blonde and blue-eyed. this was inspired, but not based on the article. i thought it would be neat to depict a glowing, unchanging "perfect" form, despite the darkening imperfections and decay around her:

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over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


thank you, Tom at PIXELSURGEON.

check it out, besides my being on the daily news roll- my eyes are opened to the wide world and richness that

pixelsurgeon.com cheers and beers.


over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

read 'er art!

hello friends. i just wanted to share some good news. juxtzpoz is featuring two of my pieces in their reader art section. thank you, juxtapoz. i hope this can get me some love.

here's a screencap,

or better yet- for the full experience, click Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


hey guys, been setting up my room aka studio space since moving back from oakville. i am now permanently in scarborough. i have a few things back in the o-town, but a big van will have to be arranged for all that. these days, i have been catching up on sleep and listening to a lot of music which is great. i can say that i am in fact, very relaxed. i just got a job from a mag in VA and am in the midst of a couple of portfolio-bulking pieces and writing.

here are some new additions to my roo... i mean, "studio":

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over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


been taking a bit of a break these days, but still with the occasional sketching and painting. i just can't pull myself away from it, i guess. in oakville, been trying to spend some time with friends- since during the year all my "relationships" existed within the fourth year studio, and the fourth year studio alone.

here's some pictures from the last few days. jho, erika and fred hung out a couple of days ago and fred made his specialty cheese and broccoli-stuffed chicken. i should have taken pictures, but take my wor...Read more

almost 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


hey, just updated the site, check it!

two nights ago i watched tokyo godfathers, (satoshi kon) with erika and was blown away by the layouts and painting; good story too. just wanted to mention it.

been busy sending mailers out, will be done soon- i can't wait. i'm left with no more postcards, or money for that matter; but i'm happy and hopeful-- and isn't that all that matters?

* Read more

almost 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

sheridan grad show

here are some pictures of the sheridan grad show. unfortunately i forgot my camera on thursday night, so despite the show being a huge success and having a turnout of approximately 500+ people, i only have pictures from the "slow" days. regardless, hope you get a sense of the show- and i'll be updating my site with the show pieces very soon.

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almost 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

i'll try my best to be around as much as possible.

i put together a book for the year-end show to serve as a portfolio of sorts. in retrospect, i should have put more thought in the kind of work i wanted to show- that, and i should have put more work in general. with the help of my dad's printer and erika's extra hands, i put it all together by hand.

the first few pages showcase process work and are printed on grey stonehenge paper, the portfolio and catalogue section are on white stonehenge.

the book is hardcover canvas-wrapp...Read more

almost 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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September 21, 2008