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tessar lo
Animal Trainer/Handler , Painter , Author
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studio visits and L.A. Gear.

two days after the show, beau, christine and i went to haight to check out GRSF and fifty24SF where there was a sick sick nate van dyke show and usugrow upstairs- who took technical draughtsmanship to another level.

at upper playground we ran into mario again and he was gracious enough to invite us to his studio around the corner. we kicked it for a bit and david choong lee came up, lo-and-behold, he's good friends with him and we headed over to studio for a visit. these two guys are brilliant and have no business...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

fecal face it!

yesterday was dope. i met up with beau and christine from project and headed over to 1988 gallery where we checked out a show by freddi c. and j. shea. it was in a very nice space and the work did not fail to impress:

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over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

fecal face show

if you're anywhere near sf and you got some time tonight, come to the fecal face show at 111 minna.

i am planning to be there for 9 ish and will have a few pieces up in the show.

hope to see you there! details here.


over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


tomorrow is "the show". though i have prepared the work to hang, dropped it off well in advance and know it will be curated by good hands- i can't help but feel a deep anxiety. i will be taking a lot of pictures tomorrow and promise to post them up as soon as i can.

though i kind of miss scarborough and toronto in general, san francisco is making it hard for me to say no:

-the public transport, MUNI is amazing as it runs on a gps system.

-the streets are all grid formation so it makes a lot of sense to get...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

wessssiiiiiide, (just might be, the best side).

no pictures yet, but landed here in sf at about 630pm local time. jimmy picked me up and took me to see as much as he could in the little time we had till day. tomorrow is moving day for him and i will be worked right away- but the new pad is dope, we went there today.

looks like sf is gonna be a blast.. i love it here, there are palm trees, beautiful people and i've never known another city outside of europe with so much charm. plus, found a great radio channel- that is a soft rock station in to...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

i love airplanes.

hello, some exciting news.

ff did a mini interview with me for their upcoming show.

you can check it here.

in related news, i am leaving toronto tomorrow at lunch and will be in the bay area and LA for the next two weeks. nothing stops though, so keep the emails coming and i will try my best to be in touch!

i will be back with plenty of pictures, stories and inspiration for new work!

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over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

life, given meaning.

so.. pretty much completed the work for the show happening in a few weeks. gotta get it all set to hang now. in the meantime, took a bit of a break and headed to the japan foundation with my sister today, (who i gotta say is really killin' the photography these days...) where i got a library card for their collection and realized a lifelong dream, nara in real-life:

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over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


so i got a commission to do some sneaks. while i decided to just go for it on this rainy wednesday, my sister was kind enough to take some docu-pics:

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over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


some some:

...Read more

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

project project

thanks to those that have responded to the second part of my shikishi sale. there are but two pieces left as of now, nos. 9 and 15. i am very happy with the results so far. so once again, i thank you for the support.

 the shikishi thing has prompted people to get in touch with me and tell me how much they like my work; while this is very cool, i have been more excited about being able to connect with other creatives and finding out about what they do.  in this way, the shikishi thing is paying off in more ways than one!
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over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Toronto, Canada
Member Since
September 21, 2008