演员, 歌手
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  My sister,Raceand I are very adventurous toward living life in a different dimension,with sooo much pleasure! We have the guts to try out new life style, new taste, new fashion, venturing around foreign places, hiking, took up my Dad's challenges like selling Christmas hats and soda along Singapore busiest street,  living a brand new life, learning the language and absorbing its culture. Here I present, two naive sisters from having two luggage, to having a home here in Hong Kong.This is how I define 2R Looking back at some work photos, I think our courage had definitely over took us for that moment. Please don't laugh ~R zy |

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回顧一些工作照,我想我們那時有著超越一切的勇氣。請不要笑~R zy|

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回顾一些工作照,我想我们那时有着超越一切的勇气。请不要笑~R zy

15 年多 前 0 赞s  41 评论s  0 shares
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
I think I got allergies just by looking at the pics! Ah.....Chew!!! Excuse me.
15 年多 ago
15 年多 ago
Photo 69801
Of Course we are support you la. Keep it up. Rosanne, hope we can meet up again and work together soon.
15 年多 ago
Photo 55174
呵呵 赞
15 年多 ago
Photo 37580
Good luck to you both, keep it up. ^_^.
15 年多 ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
Coolio! All the hard work will pay off. Keep going yo....
15 年多 ago
no guys' gonna buy us anymore flowers from this day onwards.....sob sob ** the best thang about being young is that you have the guts to do anything and wear anything !!! hoho
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, look at that professionalism! ;-)
15 年多 ago
Photo 37580
Haha to race's comment, would you still want flowers after wearing all those? heh.
15 年多 ago
Photo 38281
reminds me of the flowers on them cakes they made in the 90s =P&quot; yum yum... even knowing it was a mouth full of sugar and creame.... it was my fave part of the cakes.... haha
15 年多 ago
Photo 18762
wow you two look soooo pretty! =D Beautiful flower fairies&lt;3
15 年多 ago



Hong Kong
August 20, 2007