(September 5) I just finished attending another fashion show; this time for HUGO BOSS; and I bumped into a group of my good friends. We had so much fun!
Now that the Olympic Games are over, everything seems to have settled down and I actually feel a little lost… but as soon as I get back to Hong Kong, my busy life will start up again very quickly because it’s season changing time and all the designer fashion labels will start showing their latest autumn-winter collection.
Attending fashion shows has always been an event I look forward to the most because I get to be one of the first to admire the latest collection and designs of each fashion label; I get to know the latest trends for the...Read more
After the Olympic Games closing ceremony, I went to one of my friend’s PARTY and I also bumped into the Australian gold medalist. All along, I’ve always hoped for an opportunity to touch one of these valuable Olympic gold medals with my very own hands. And now my wish has come true.
The night scenery at Shui Li Fan...Read more
Since the start of the 100 day countdown to the Olympic Games, I’ve participated in many different Olympics related events in China. I recently took part in the opening ceremony and now it is finally time to perform in the closing ceremony. To prepare for the August 24th closing ceremony performance, we especially came here a week earlier than scheduled for preparations, rehearsal and song recording. I even had the chance to watch the athletics and soccer events at the Birds Nest Stadium during my spare time.
昨晚完成了壯觀的開幕禮後, 今天一大清早便到"中國故事"的開幕活動, 每一間小屋子內介紹中國的不同地方及文化特式,讓我們更能清楚瞭解中國文化.
在這裡,我們遇到一大班參與演出的小朋友, 當中還包括一位與我合作拍攝"共建家園"MTV的小女孩, 我跟她真的有緣啊!
由7年前知道北京主辦2008年奧運這一刻, 我已感到十分興奮並期待這一日的來臨, 更希望有機會能參與其中. 直到今天2008年8月8日, 我們的夢想真的成真了! 今天,我真的有幸能在開幕禮上演出,更難得的是能跟國際巨星 成龍,國內紅星 韓紅及 孫楠一起獻唱"站起來".這一次的演出,真是我的畢生榮幸.
今天, 我一大清早起來化粧, 弄頭髮及背歌詞等準備工作, 下午3時左右便出發, 坐上大會安排的旅遊巴士,與其他演出歌手一起浩浩蕩蕩的往鳥巢出發. 嘩,近距離看的鳥巢原來真是那麼的壯觀,終於能目睹它的真面目了! 我們經過了一連串的安驗工作, 大會便安排我們進入會場, 之後大家便一直在後台等待演出...
剛於29日完成於北京的10天奧運倒數活動, 今天就跑到馬來西亞的雲頂為MTV ASIA AWARD當主持. 主持不是我的強項, 所以我現在的心情很緊張, 這幾天不停地在背台詞, 挑衣服, 試造型等... 嘩, 原來當主持並不是一件容易的工作啊!
雲頂 - 一個我小時候曾到過的地方, 現在也沒有太大變化, 依然是一個很有詩意的地方,跟當地熱情的FANS有點格格不入...今次最可惜是沒有吃到馬來西亞特產.........榴連.......
今次MTV ASIA AWARD, 有機會跟荷里活型男JARED LETO合作,非常開心. 就是由綵排開始已發覺他工作十分認真, 亦很風趣, 相信我們的合作定必為觀眾帶來驚喜! 更驚喜及高興的是我得到由MTV ASIA AWARD頒的"INSPIRATION AWARD"來表揚我這機多年於工作上的成就及貢獻,超興奮!
終於等到奧運進入最後倒數階段了, 還有8天...真的十分期待8月8日的來臨呀!!!!!
很高興由火炬從三亞市開始, 我一直緊貼著, 直到100天倒數活動...宜昌跑火炬...及29日晚的10天倒數活動...我全程緊貼, 希望8月8日快點來臨, 一起為北京奧運歡呼 YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
記得十年前(1998年), 我第一次憑這隻專輯入圍金曲獎的最佳專輯項目, 雖然那一次拿不到這個獎項, 但我已跟自己許下承諾, 以這個大獎為目標, 終於10年後的今天, 經過這麼多年的經驗累積,憑我自己親手製作及創作的專輯得到這個榮耀, 實在太美好了!
是我這麼多年來的心血結晶, 獲得大家的肯定, 真的感到無限喜悅. 我亦非常感激TERRY 、FR...Read more