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how long can a person remember?

'I was just thinking about you the other day.'

It is easier to forget than to remember? Y? I guess it takes determination, decisiveness, courage to take up consequential responisbilities that came from this decision, therefore, at times, a lot of effort...self motivated energy from within, where hopes are lost somestimes yet u still hang on.With these reasons, many chose to forget...forgetting is somehow effortness.This process repeats so manytimes thru one;s lifetime..Suddenly remember Newton, who discovered G...Read more

14 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

reConnecT from AwayNess


couldnt believe...i can be away for so so long.

Things u think u can stick to, pronciples, writing blogs faithfully.....etc...

somehow, i lost contact...Y...? dont even know....

busy...it is busy? i hope the things that occupied me were well worth this 'Awayness'.

i m happy when i write that hadnt change.

I was interviewing a ex HK hi official....Fred ma...now a brother....

Pressures- he difines.

When U , yourself hv hi demands(no.1-this is in everything/pr...Read more

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

Loyalty and Promises

Is easy to say and pronnounce when U have all the time in the world,

if one gets busy....like myself in the past yr....

I failed my duty to wirte...my so called 'passion'.

I know one can understands....setting asiade for something more important at the time

But are those stuff really more imporatnt stuff....it seems so at the time.

Still i do miss my writings...my sharing with you,

wheteher U ocassionally checking in or not, maybe I'd already lost U.

U promise something....Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

times flies.......

Was gonna go to sing K with a bunch of young producers.........25,26.......28

Time set at 11pm....last time they asked....i was the only one to show up,

ended up talking to the boss and become friends.....

So...this time...honestly skeptical....there's a 30% i might go.....

I guess in everything.....when people asked you to join....they are serious....

but are they commited.....not really.

Still like 3 hrs to the time.....my eyelids are falling.....well...I toook a nap

at least th...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

3 things i pray

as i walk home

that i have a clean heart

i have a humble heart

i have a simple heart.

my friend took my car,

he's from HK.

I was eating at my EX and her husband and my daughter,

they were so content watching tv,

i was overly tired from work.

nor the car will be arriving anytime soon.

I want to walk.....it is a sunny day.....

my first stop....to walk acrosss their home , a cinema,

intend to watch Bruno.....still have to wait 30min.....kind of wa...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares


After 1.5 long yr....after a long promise to myself.

I pick up my feet and start walking....just like Forrest Gump,

 just that..I started walking.

Discoveries in a line or 2

everyone has a will, and it's easy to genearte a good will anytime,

but we have tons of reasons, de-EXercising(prohiting)(U talked your way out of) that will.

with full knowledge the will meant well.

Reason, habits, we are so used to our routines, no one wants to do any different in a nutshell.


I w...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Back from Shanghai and.....

I liked it here.

'this boring little city , got nothing to see' described by most artists who toured here, Toronto.

Despite recieving an award, met my best friend in showbiz Kalok, visited my mom in HK.

I had this little revelation, not necessarily resulted from this trip, or it could be.

One has to know what he/she wants excatly in life in order to be truly happy.

someone not restricted age, always searching, still not find what one wants.

and luckily, i know what i wwant.Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

There are.......

a few good  reasons that i like Shanghai,

But there are too many reasons i love toronto.

in less than 12 hrs,

I'll be leaving HK again,

back to home.

'It wierd isnt' it?' i asked myself, after the glamourous visit of 'the city'

and HK seeing my mom.

Still nowhere esle i would rather be.


15 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

shanghai here i come

never been

what will happen?

1 week

let u all know


接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares


i think from time to time , one must learn to find time to do nothing,

so both mentally n physically can be emptied from the ever tiring routinal work.

I was in bad mood  yesterday ,

but today i m fine.

I guess one must try to find meaning in things we enocoutered,

things we do, things occured randomly.

sometimes we actively involve in meaningful activities,

like my daughter asked me to spend an afternoon with her and her best friend shopping,

she said in case she liked anything i ca...Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares


a journey of feeling content. Everyday i pray this little prayer sometimes with my eyes closed sometimes not..... let me be real let me be honest let m


english, cantonese, mandarin
Toronto, Canada
November 15, 2008