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One Foundation - Launch of the CMB One Foundation Affinity Credit Card|壹基金 - 招商銀行壹基金愛心信用卡正式發行|壹基金 - 招商银行壹基金爱心信用卡正式发行

Caring Creates a New Style of Charity, China Merchant Bank Joins the One Foundation Family  

-- The China Merchant Bank and One Foundation Affinity Credit Card is Officially Announced in Shanghai. 

[December 9, 2008] Soon after Jet Li’s One Foundation was honored with the “China Charity” award, presented by the Chinese Civil Administration department at the Red Cross Society of China, Jet Li’s One Foundation and China Merchant Bank jointly held a press release conference in Shanghai to announce the launch of the CMB One Foundation affinity credit card. At the press release the CMB One Foundation affinity card, also known as the One Foundation caring card, was officially launched into the market and simultaneously, applications for the credit card was being accepted from everyone. The cooperation of the One Foundation and China Merchant Bank is a positive response to a notion made by General Secretary Hu Jintao when he met with the representatives of those who received awards at the China Charity Event on December the 5 th, suggesting an “Honorary Charity Culture, creating new ways to raise funds”. Present at the press conference was the Director General of CMB’s credit card center, Mr. Guo Guang; founder and initiator of the One Foundation, Mr. Jet Li Lianjie; Executive Chairman, Zhou Weiyan; and the first business to affiliate with the One Foundation caring card, South Beauty Group Executive Director Wang Xiaofei. Also, representing the One Foundation Philanthropy Grant, Beijing Stars and Rain Educational Research Center for Autistic Children, and a representative from the Earthquake Disaster Reconstruction Project Ngawa and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture Women’s Support Center, were especially invited to witness the launch of this caring card. 

 Founder of the One Foundation, Mr. Jet Li, expressed at the press conference, “The CMB One Foundation caring card will give even more people the opportunity to offer their love and compassion and participate in a new passageway to philanthropy. The actions from a crowd of people possess extraordinary meaning; it is through everybody’s hard work and effort, and the power of love that will enable this to spread and continue.” He shared his philanthropic intentions for the One Foundation caring card with the media and members of the CMB marketing team at the venue -- it’s about achieving a

promise for the future, an important way of showing that you care for your family. Through using this card, everyone can easily accomplish the ‘1-person 1-month donate 1-dollar’ concept, and achieving the dream of being 1 big family. As the first business affiliated with the caring card, South Beauty Group Executive Director Wang Xiaofei expressed that South Beauty Group regards the social responsibility of an organization as very important and have always been very supportive with One Foundation’s philanthropic affairs. They were extremely happy to be part of this new form of compassion with the One Foundation caring card. 


Senior executives from CMB announced at the press conference that after financially funding a range of events, such as the Wenchuan earthquake disaster emergency relief fund and cooperating with the China Youth and Development Foundation in holding charity sports projects, they have selected the One Foundation to undergo a cooperation of philanthropy that will be based on the original idea from the One Foundation and the “1+1+1=1” concept that is encouraged by the One Foundation. The One Foundation endures with the core values of “public trust, professionalism, sustainability, and implementation”; using financial aid to help support the target, starting from just one single project or expanding from a prejudice group of people and establishing a complete and equal platform for humanity; and taking on the responsibility of promoting philanthropy in China. Donations given to the One Foundation will have the choice and the aim to be used towards a charitable organization that is meaningful and significant. Furthermore, donors can monitor how the funds are being used and also ensure that it is used appropriately.

CMB hopes to normalize their charity operations and aims to achieve this by participating and supporting philanthropy in a professional and effective way; bringing together two organizations with the same aim. Director General of CMB’s credit card center Mr. Guo Guang expressed, “Our online credit card promotional website has already done all the preparations required for when this credit card is launched into the market. The marketing team around the country will focus on promoting this unique card and at the same time, we believe that these caring card holders and cooperating businesses will positively support and participate together, pushing philanthropy and charity events into new levels for 2009.” The event was especially broadcast live to CMB’s marketing team members around the country, sharing the idea behind the One Foundation caring card. 

The One Foundation caring card is the first card in China’s financial area to use a “caring limit”, where the credit limit is set based on card holder’s donations. The card unites CMB, every card holder and every caring business representing unlimited “1”s, bringing everyone together as 1-family. This credit card offers many different ways to make caring donations; for example, CMB has pledges to donate 1 dollar for every successful credit card application; the card holder promises to make a donation of 1 dollar, 11 dollars, 111 dollars, or any specified amount each month; caring businesses cooperating with this program and CMB will each donate 1-specified amount each time the card holder uses the card to make a purchase. At the same time, to help the card holder better understand the message of philanthropy, where their donations are being used and have even more opportunities to participate with charity events, not only will CMB and One Foundation endeavor to keep in contact with the card holder through different channels of communication, they will also set dates at regular intervals and invite card holders to participate the “1 Day Volunteer Experience” plus many other philanthropic activities such as charity auctions. 

CMB credit card center estimates that in 2009, the One Foundation caring card is likely to accumulate over 10 million dollars in donations. All the funds raised will be used towards the five main areas that the One Foundation follows closely with interest, “environmental protection, education, health, aiding poverty, and disaster relief”. At the same time, the funds will be carefully audited and will also receive strict supervision by the public. 


After releasing the first international standard credit card in China in 2002, CMB has taken the “changing because of you” management approach and have always persisted in providing a world class credit card, releasing a range of cards such as the business card, platinum card, the Olympics “peace” card plus many other unique products which have received positive feedback from the market. For five consecutive years, CMB credit card has been named “the most popular credit card” by the Hurun financial survey. And since the start of 2007, CMB began cooperating with many charity organizations in developing positive and effective philanthropy events. While marketing the CMB credit card brand, they achieved the highest rate of credit card approval in the industry and firmly established the status of China’s leading credit card provider on the market with their 5 star credit rating.

| 愛心構建慈善新模式招商銀行加入壹基金大家庭 ——招商銀行壹基金愛心信用卡在上海正式發布[2008年12月9日訊] 就在中國紅十字會李連傑壹基金計劃剛剛榮獲中國民政部頒發的20 08年度“中華慈善獎”之後不久, 李連傑壹基金與招商銀行又在位於上海聯合舉辦壹基金愛心信用卡上 市的新聞發布會。屆時,招商銀行壹基金愛心卡自就正式推向市場, 同時接受大眾的信用卡申請工作。此次壹基金與招商銀行的合作, 正是對12月5日胡錦濤總書記中國慈善大會上接見獲獎代表時提出 的“弘揚慈善文化創新籌款方式”的積極響應。招行信用卡中心理事長郭光先生, 壹基金發起人李連傑先生、執行主席周惟彥, 以及壹基金愛心卡首家合作商家俏江南集團執行董事汪小菲共同出席 , 同時特別邀請了壹基金資助的典範工程代表北京星星雨孤獨癥兒童教 育研究所以及地震災後重建項目阿壩州羌族婦女幫扶中心的代表, 共同見證了愛心卡的發布。     壹基金發起人李連傑先生也在發布會現場表示“ 招行壹基金愛心卡給了更多人一個奉獻愛心和參與公益的創新通道, 群眾的行為具備非常的意義,正是通過大家的努力, 愛的力量才能得以傳遞與延續。 ” 他與到場的媒體和招行營銷隊伍分享了壹基金愛心卡的公益慈善內涵 ——這是一個實現對於未來的承諾,對於家人的關愛的重要方式, 大家可以通過這張卡輕松做到每1個人每1個月捐1元錢, 實現1個大家庭的夢想。作為首家愛心卡的合作商戶, 俏江南集團執行董事汪小菲現場表示, 俏江南非常重視企業的社會責任, 一直以來都非常支持壹基金的公益事業, 他們很高興能在壹基金愛心卡這個創新的愛心模式中有所貢獻。     招商銀行高層領導在此次發布會上介紹, 經歷了汶川地震緊急救災勸募和與中國青少年發展基金會合作開展體 育慈善等公益行動後,選擇與壹基金進行公益慈善領域的合作, 是源自對於壹基金和壹基金所提倡的 “1+1+1=1” 的公益理念的認可:壹基金堅持“公信、專業、可持續、執行” 的公益標準,將公益資助扶持的對象, 從一個單一的項目或者針對一類人群拓展到對於整個公益平臺的搭建 ,把推動中國公益事業的發展作為己任; 捐贈到壹基金的善款將有選擇、 有目標地投入到最具典範意義的公益團體, 並切實關註善款的使用以確保最終的實際效果。     高效地、 專業地參與和支持公益也是招商銀行期望進行的常態化慈善經營的目 標,共同的目標令兩者走到了一起。 據招商銀行信用卡中心理事長郭光先生表示:“ 我們的信用卡推廣網絡已經全方位地為這張信用卡上市做好了準備, 全國各地的銷售隊伍會把這張特殊的愛心卡片作為推薦的重點, 同時我們也相信那些愛心持卡人和合作商戶一起積極支持和參與, 將會把2009年的公益慈善行動推到一個新的高度。”。活動特別通過現場視頻, 與招商銀行全國營銷團隊分享了壹基金愛心卡的理念。     壹基金愛心卡是內地金融消費領域第一張采用“愛心額度” 為信用卡核發及升級標準的慈善認同卡,它將招商銀行、 每一位持卡人、每一家愛心合作商戶所代表的無數個“1” 聯合起來成為壹家人。這張銀行卡不僅有多方的愛心捐贈: 招商銀行在每1張信用卡成功申請後將捐贈1元; 持卡人承諾選擇每月捐贈1元、11元、111元不等的愛心款; 愛心合作商戶和招商銀行在持卡人每1次刷卡消費時再各捐贈1筆一 定額度的善款。同時, 為了使持卡人更多的了解公益慈善信息以及善款的流向, 並且有更多的機會機會參與公益, 招行和壹基金將不僅通過多渠道與持卡人保持溝通, 還將定期召集持卡人參加“1日義工體驗 ” 和開展慈善義賣等公益活動。     據招商銀行信用卡中心預計, 壹基金愛心卡有望在2009年積累高達上千萬元的公益善款,< wbr>所有這些善款將會有效運用於壹基金所關註的“環保、教育、健康、 扶貧、賑災”五大公益領域中, 同時善款的收支接受德勤的審計以及廣大公眾的監督。     繼2002年發行國內第一張國際標準信用卡之後, 招商銀行秉承了“因您而變” 的經營理念一直堅持打造世界級信用卡,先後推出了商務卡、 白金卡、奧運“和”卡等創新特色產品,廣受市場好評。 招商銀行信用卡連續五年被胡潤財富調查機構評為“ 最受青睞的銀行信用卡”,從2007年開始, 招行信用卡開始與多家慈善組織合作開展了積極有效的公益行動。 招商銀行信用卡品牌一路走來,實現了發卡量的市場占有率第一, 更是以五星級的信用卡品質奠定了國內信用卡市場領先者形象。| 爱心构建慈善新模式 招商银行加入壹基金大家庭

——招商银行壹基金爱心信用卡在上海正式发布 [2008年12月9日讯] 就在中国红十字会李连杰壹基金计划刚刚荣获中国民政部颁发的20 08年度“中华慈善奖”之后不久, 李连杰壹基金与招商银行又在位于上海联合举办壹基金爱心信用卡上 市的新闻发布会。届时,招商银行壹基金爱心卡自就正式推向市场, 同时接受大众的信用卡申请工作。此次壹基金与招商银行的合作, 正是对12月5日胡锦涛总书记中国慈善大会上接见获奖代表时提出 的“弘扬慈善文化 创新筹款方式”的积极响应。招行信用卡中心理事长郭光先生, 壹基金发起人李连杰先生、执行主席周惟彦, 以及壹基金爱心卡首家合作商家俏江南集团执行董事汪小菲共同出席 , 同时特别邀请了壹基金资助的典范工程代表北京星星雨孤独症儿童教 育研究所以及地震灾后重建项目阿坝州羌族妇女帮扶中心的代表, 共同见证了爱心卡的发布。

    壹基金发起人李连杰先生也在发布会现场表示“ 招行壹基金爱心卡给了更多人一个奉献爱心和参与公益的创新通道, 群众的行为具备非常的意义,正是通过大家的努力, 爱的力量才能得以传递与延续。” 他与到场的媒体和招行营销队伍分享了壹基金爱心卡的公益慈善内涵 ——这是一个实现对于未来的承诺,对于家人的关爱的重要方式, 大家可以通过这张卡轻松做到每1个人每1个月捐1元钱, 实现1个大家庭的梦想。作为首家爱心卡的合作商户, 俏江南集团执行董事汪小菲现场表示, 俏江南非常重视企业的社会责任, 一直以来都非常支持壹基金的公益事业, 他们很高兴能在壹基金爱心卡这个创新的爱心模式中有所贡献。

    招商银行高层领导在此次发布会上介绍, 经历了汶川地震紧急救灾劝募和与中国青少年发展基金会合作开展体 育慈善等公益行动后,选择与壹基金进行公益慈善领域的合作, 是源自对于壹基金和壹基金所提倡的“1+1+1=1” 的公益理念的认可:壹基金坚持“公信、专业、可持续、执行” 的公益标准,将公益资助扶持的对象, 从一个单一的项目或者针对一类人群拓展到对于整个公益平台的搭建 ,把推动中国公益事业的发展作为己任; 捐赠到壹基金的善款将有选择、 有目标地投入到最具典范意义的公益团体, 并切实关注善款的使用以确保最终的实际效果。

    高效地、 专业地参与和支持公益也是招商银行期望进行的常态化慈善经营的目 标,共同的目标令两者走到了一起。 据招商银行信用卡中心理事长郭光先生表示:“ 我们的信用卡推广网络已经全方位地为这张信用卡上市做好了准备, 全国各地的销售队伍会把这张特殊的爱心卡片作为推荐的重点, 同时我们也相信那些爱心持卡人和合作商户一起积极支持和参与, 将会把2009年的公益慈善行动推到一个新的高度。”。 活动特别通过现场视频, 与招商银行全国营销团队分享了壹基金爱心卡的理念。

    壹基金爱心卡是内地金融消费领域第一张采用“爱心额度” 为信用卡核发及升级标准的慈善认同卡,它将招商银行、 每一位持卡人、每一家爱心合作商户所代表的无数个“1” 联合起来成为壹家人。这张银行卡不仅有多方的爱心捐赠: 招商银行在每1张信用卡成功申请后将捐赠1元; 持卡人承诺选择每月捐赠1元、11元、111元不等的爱心款; 爱心合作商户和招商银行在持卡人每1次刷卡消费时再各捐赠1笔一 定额度的善款。同时, 为了使持卡人更多的了解公益慈善信息以及善款的流向, 并且有更多的机会机会参与公益, 招行和壹基金将不仅通过多渠道与持卡人保持沟通, 还将定期召集持卡人参加“1日义工体验” 和开展慈善义卖等公益活动。

    据招商银行信用卡中心预计, 壹基金爱心卡有望在2009年积累高达上千万元的公益善款, 所有这些善款将会有效运用于壹基金所关注的“环保、教育、健康、 扶贫、赈灾”五大公益领域中, 同时善款的收支接受德勤的审计以及广大公众的监督。

    继2002年发行国内第一张国际标准信用卡之后, 招商银行秉承了“因您而变” 的经营理念一直坚持打造世界级信用卡,先后推出了商务卡、 白金卡、奥运“和”卡等创新特色产品,广受市场好评。 招商银行信用卡连续五年被胡润财富调查机构评为“ 最受青睐的银行信用卡”,从2007年开始, 招行信用卡开始与多家慈善组织合作开展了积极有效的公益行动。 招商银行信用卡品牌一路走来,实现了发卡量的市场占有率第一, 更是以五星级的信用卡品质奠定了国内信用卡市场领先者形象。|

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