hikaru ❤❤❤
画家, 花卉艺术家
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one day trip~お伊勢参り

people ask me,"are you busy?"hehe~I am busy...

I think...every year I become so lazy in june and july.thinking back last year,I was like that:P

many stuff happen in life,I would like to share with you,but just missed chance~

before I forget....on last thursday I had one day trip to IseShrine again.many of my friends have seen my photos from IseShrine last year,havent you?so I didnt take many pics this time...

check out my former album if you havent seen them^^Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  24 评论s  0 shares

tropical arrangement・トロピカル~

ah~I dont like hot weather 我不喜歡很熱的天氣 暑いの嫌い

but 但是 でもね

I love tropical stuff~~~ they make me feel fresh and fun!this week,I did a lesson of tropical flower arrangement.please check it out^^

我很喜歡熱帶東西~~~ 讓我感覺很清爽和很開心呀!這個星期我教用熱帶花的插花.請你看看一下^^

トロピカルなものは大好き~~~ Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  22 评论s  0 shares

pet blog~♪ペットの話でも・・・

hai everyone~really really real~~~ly long time no see.well...maybe not so much

recently in japan its been clowdy or rainy and everyday very very humid!!yeah its rain season.I dont think I am the only one feel dull but...anyway feel heavy and tired,at night I just wanna do nothing.so~long time no blogging.lazy lazy me I should say thank you!my friends care about me gave messages.sorry for not relpy quickly.aaahhhh...no more excuse.

tod...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  34 评论s  0 shares


by the way~some people cared me about...how are those many porcelain paintings that I have to finish.those I showed in my former blog.thank you everyone!



yay~I finished and actually I've sold them already hehe

yay~我完成了 然後我已經賣了 呵呵

出来上がりまして、...Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  35 评论s  0 shares

1 year old~1歳デス!

today I found out....

366days ~

remembering...1 year ago I found this site and logged in...



wow,I feel like its been longer than a year for me.well...old friends know that I've not been an official artist then just added as an official in Feb.when I started looking around here,I've never expected visiting HK or meeting with friends met in here...really ...Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  21 评论s  0 shares

sing enthusiastically♪熱唱


I mean...我的意思是...つまり

this flower has a name like that 這種花有這樣的名字 この花、そういう名前なんですヨ

so beautiful!很漂亮嘛!すっごいきれいでしょ!

this is one kin...Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  42 评论s  0 shares

wow I want to have one!コレ欲しいナ!

LOOK AT THIS! I want to have this set~. 你看!我想有這個~。 見て見て!コレ欲しいよ~。

500 colors!pencils!amazing~isn't it?



wish wish~haha Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  30 评论s  0 shares


after I backed from vacation,its been busy~recently got many painting order...lucky me but its a lots of work.eyes so tired.

假期完了,一直有点忙呢。最近陶器画的订购很多,很幸运的我 但我要花很长长的时间一直在画呢。我的眼睛好累了。

休みが終わって、最近ずっとお皿の注文品を描いています。たくさん注文していただいてありがとう ですが、ずっと描いてると当然、眼が疲れる~。

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接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  33 评论s  0 shares

fun at night in HK~❤香港のあつい夜・・・

out last night in HK,we've visited the bar to meet with the guy who is...Mixologist-Nick La in AnD I like cheking his blog.he create beautiful drinks~you should go see his page~.

我们的最后天・夜里,我去一个bar见到guy...他是Mixsologist-Nick La 在AnD里我很喜欢看他的博客。他做很漂亮的饮料。如果你还没看的话,去check一下吧~。

そして香港最後の夜、AnDアーティスト・ミクソロジストのニックさんのお店に行きました 彼のブログは美しいドリンクが紹介されていて、結構お気に入りなんですヨ。まだチェックしてない方は見てみてね~。

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接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  34 评论s  0 shares

fish fish fish~さかな・さかな・さかな~

let's continue...its from last blog...on saturday story

on that saturday...its fish day actually~ we went to tai o which is fishing village,then after that they take me(only I am the one who wanted to visit there...haha) to gold fish street.I shot some fish photos~.thanks for taking me there and waiting for me to finish checking around...there were super many people out there....I do not like that crown Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  25 评论s  0 shares


I'll be back here sooner.... ☆・゜゜・☆:。.。:☆・゜゜・☆:。.。:☆・゜゜・☆:.。.。:☆・゜゜・☆ Nice to meet you.Thanks for visiting my page! I'm a floral artist and a porcelain pai


english, mandarin, japanese
June 16, 2008