I'm a huge fan of watching movies at home on DVD (sorry, the cinema doesn't rock for me) ... but I get just as much enjoyment out of watching the commentaries (Wim Wenders bemoaning the narrow depth of field available with tradition film gear, having to use bi-focal lenses in Paris Texas then saying it would have been nice to have shot digital, for example!) and especially enjoy additional features like the making-of and director / production stories ( Dax's blog showed a clip taken from a David Lynch interview, which inspired this blog right now). So ... regardless of the film - what's your all time favourite "extra content" DVDs?To get started ... Hellboy is wicked ... Guillermo clearly loves his job! Lord Of The Rings, like the film itself, is bloody epic. Blade Runner, interesting but slightly disappointing (excusable ... it seems from the production interviews that no-one really wanted to make that film at the beginning!). Anything by Terry Gilliam - the 12 Monkeys special features especially - an eye-opener ... except the feature on Tidelands ... Christ has the kid making that doc has got a fucking hard-on for Terry.Hit me!