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Saturday/Party day pour moi | 周六/我的party日

This blog is for ppl who go clubbing more than once, others please leave. (who am i kidding)

Its generally considered to be fun/inevitable by us, youngsters (!) to go clubbing with buddies on saturdays. Apart from the fact that u have to tolerate the unbelieveably-long-ass queues and unnecessary anal attitude from those bruneian/african bouncers, and apart from the fact that every drink, especially those you have never heard of, costs three times as much as any where else on the planet, and apart from the fact that by the clock strikes three-thirty, the most loveable-angelic-star-of-the-night gentleman or lady you have been chatting to, suddenly turns into this fiend who either hip-hop dances like fly-kickin-your-face-backstreet-korean-mobs or shakes like the blend of fergie/j.lo/beyonce with a  voice already coarse like rosie o donald. May be the demon invested bar from dusk till dawn really isnt much of an exaggeration, may be tarantino isnt that much of a loony afterall, may be. The one thing for sure isthat, having taken all of the above into consideration, in my case, i only go clubbing once in a while.

The funny thing is, we all have gone through the experience above, sometimes better other times worse, yet we still carry on to party week after week until our bowels go on strike, mind u some of us here party on till nervous break down and have head to toe seizures. The truth is, after having gone through year after year of lavishing entertainment, i realised  that i m not fond of it but rather drawn to it, not because some where along the line i learnt how to bypass long queues, befriend with bouncers, drink less, avoid turning myself into one of those fly-kicking koreans or striptease from bronx. I guess i enjoy the company, you know the guys, goofy, o yes very much so, but true.

You might think dude u sound like a fag, so whats better than saturday night out then? my answer is, sunday morning hang overs? or better yet, the coming next saturday night out. Dont get me wrong, i m not a party animal, or m i protesting against over-the-top/erotic dance, hong kong, and i believe, most other parts of southeast asia, are pretty tolerant as far as drunk dancing is concerned. Besides, dont we all need to unleash the beast once in a while? i m just telling my humble opinion, the stuff going through in our heads as we travel on board with this lavishing entertainment. Surely u guys have a lot to expand on this, I can see many hands raised already, so feel free to comment. Yes, as much as we would like to know the list of drinks you had the other night in any sort of order, how many transvestites you single-handedly pulled in one night, and the time you have three grand worth of champagne poured over your one grand worth of strings and tiny bits of cloth attached together- something you called a dress, it would be most kind, if u can deliver sthg more refreshing and dramatic, feel free to make it up, cheers. (Say this to your friends more often)

Lastly, anyone of you party on sundays too? lol| 這篇博客是給那些不止一次去酒吧的人看的,其他人請離開(開個玩笑)。周六跟好友去酒吧對我們年輕人(!)來說是找樂子/必然之事。盡管你必須忍受無法置信的排長龍、毫無由來的態度極差的文萊/非洲保鏢、承受每份飲料尤其是那些從未沒聽說過的飲,比地球上任何地方都要貴出3倍,以及每當時鐘敲過3點半,那些跟你聊過天的最可愛的-天使般的-夜晚之星那些紳士淑女們,突然變成撒旦,不是跳著飛踢到你臉上的-後街-韓國-暴徒的hip-hop舞步,就是象fergie-珍尼佛•洛佩茲-碧昂司般扭動臀部,而聲音卻粗鄙得象rosie o donald。或許魔鬼投資的酒吧從日暮持續到破曉並非誇大其辭,或許塔倫蒂諾根本不是瘋子,或許。只有一件事能肯定,那就是把上述所說列入考慮。我自己,一段時間只去一次酒吧。




  | 这篇博客是给那些不止一次去酒吧的人看的,其他人请离开(开个玩笑)。周六跟好友去酒吧对我们年轻人(!)来说是找乐子/必然之事。尽管你必须忍受无法置信的排长龙、毫无由来的态度极差的文莱/非洲保镖、承受每份饮料尤其是那些从未没听说过的饮,比地球上任何地方都要贵出3倍,以及每当时钟敲过3点半,那些跟你聊过天的最可爱的-天使般的-夜晚之星那些绅士淑女们,突然变成撒旦,不是跳着飞踢到你脸上的-后街-韩国-暴徒的hip-hop舞步,就是象fergie-珍尼佛·洛佩兹-碧昂司般扭动臀部,而声音却粗鄙得象rosie o donald。或许魔鬼投资的酒吧从日暮持续到破晓并非夸大其辞,或许塔伦蒂诺根本不是疯子,或许。只有一件事能肯定,那就是把上述所说列入考虑。我自己,一段时间只去一次酒吧。




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english, cantonese, mandarin, french
Hong Kong
November 8, 2007