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Friday/Sports day pour moi | 周五/我的運動日

Wicked its badminton day for me along with friends again, we do it three hour straight non stop almost every week. Some might say its a sport for pussies, though having brought up with a bunch of malaysians indonesians and thais beating the crap out of me all the time and kicking other schools asses in away matches almost every time in my boarding school years, i treat them, the awesome players, with respect up till this moment. And thats probably when i really got hooked onto the sport, i also played a bit of tennis, sure, got into the team, no problem, but thats all cos my coach liked me a lot cos i make him laugh, the thing he was most interested in was which girl is fit and which is not, that dirty old bastard... In fact, one of our 'beloved' tennis coach got into retirement cos apparently he invited two of our fellow school members, in their senior years, girls of course,  to his little-cottage-up-the-hill to have 'a cup of tea'... ( this is way off topic now innit?)

| 又到我和朋友們的羽毛球運動日了,幾乎每周我們都會不停地打上三個小時。也許有人會說這是小姑娘的運動,雖然我在讀書那些年,跟不少馬來西亞、印尼和泰國人打球都大敗,令我長進不少,跟其他學校比賽時,幾乎每次都把對方打得落花流水,但我至今對這些優秀運動員都心懷尊敬,可能這也是我熱愛這項運動的原因。我還打網球,當然,進入這個團隊沒有問題,很大程度是因為教練喜歡我,我總能逗他開心。他最感興趣的是哪個女生身材好,哪個不好,這個老色狼…事實上,一位我們”熱愛”的網球教練退休了,因為他邀請了我們同伴學校的兩位高年級同學,當然是女生,到他山頂的小別墅”喝茶”去了…(有點離題了,是嗎?)

| 又到我和朋友们的羽毛球运动日了,几乎每周我们都会不停地打上三个小时。也许有人会说这是小姑娘的运动,虽然我在读书那些年,跟不少马来西亚、印尼和泰国人打球都大败,令我长进不少,跟其他学校比赛时,几乎每次都把对方打得落花流水,但我至今对这些优秀运动员都心怀尊敬,可能这也是我热爱这项运动的原因。我还打网球,当然,进入这个团队没有问题,很大程度是因为教练喜欢我,我总能逗他开心。他最感兴趣的是哪个女生身材好,哪个不好,这个老色狼…事实上,一位我们”热爱”的网球教练退休了,因为他邀请了我们同伴学校的两位高年级同学,当然是女生,到他山顶的小别墅”喝茶”去了…(有点离题了,是吗?)

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english, cantonese, mandarin, french
Hong Kong
November 8, 2007