haha... 點解我好似冇着褲咁㗎!! just kidding , but my eyes are incredibly small......................... also, seems like I'm afraid to talk and answer or give reactions... 搞到好次好冇禮貌添...? 真係唔好意思呢!! 其實係唔知講咩好呀~ 唔係緊張上台,係緊張啲camerasssssssssss, 哈哈~~~~ 請見諒~~ p.s. Thank Ken for spending so much time recovering this piece video, very precious video ne! Hope if there is next time 我個樣唔好咁尷尬.......=.=
hello everyone! welcome to my blog! You can visit http://www.aboutabby.com for my performing schedule, photos, and music!! P.S. I might miss some of your