wong vanessa - my official artist profile -alivenotdead.com
wong vanessa
歌手, 彩妆大师(MUA)
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About wong vanessa

hello everyone! welcome to my blog! You can visit http://www.aboutabby.com for my performing schedule, photos, and music!!

P.S. I might miss some of your

Vanessa Wong是不眠樂團的主音歌手。在2005年6月﹐Derek和Abby 在一個網站舉辦的音樂會上認識及在朋友介紹下合作。在12月, 他們以《路》一曲參加了NWT第一屆網路歌唱大賽並獲得最佳演繹獎及總冠軍。同月﹐他們舉行了首個個人音樂會, 並在朋友介紹下認識了結他手Gary及鼓手Welton, 之後四人成立了不眠樂團(Sleepless)。2007年﹐四人於有線線動真音樂全港公開賽認識了低音結他手Ken, 並邀請Ken加入Sleepless!

從2005年到現在﹐Vanessa參與了多次音樂節目製作及定期作出公開表演。 現時她亦有錄唱香港流行曲及參與填詞部份。她的第一首作品<<傘子>>收錄在關心研的<<Jade-I>>大碟内。2006年10月﹐不眠更於尖沙咀星光大道上舉行了不眠樂團首個歷時3小時的露天演唱會。2007年於新城電台/新之城-我有我唱原創作歌曲比賽以<Kiss Goodbye>奪得季軍。想觀看更多Vanessa的檔案,詳情請到 http://www.aboutabby.com/me.files/me_music.htmlhttp://www.aboutabby.com/index_music.html

Vanessa Wong is the vocalist of the band SLEEPLESS, which was formed in November 2005. In Jun 2005, Vanessa met Derek (pianist) in a music function, and thereafter they decided to work together on music. In the same year, they were endowed with the Best Performance Award and honored as the overall Champion in NWT 1st Network Songwriting Competition. In the same month, they met Gary (guitarist) and Welton (drummer) and formed SLEEPLESS. They met Ken (bassist) from 2007 i-cable music contest and invited him to the band. Throughout the years, Vanessa has joined various music shows and public performances. She also sings demos and writes lyrics for official pop songs. Her first official piece “Umbrella” was recorded in Jade Kwan’s CD album “Jade-I”. In Oct 2006, SLEEPLESS held their first 3 hr outdoor mini concert at the Avenue of Stars. In 2007, SLEEPLESS received a third place award from metro radio competition with original song “Kiss Goodbye”. For Vanessa’s full profile, please visit http://www.aboutabby.com/me.files/me_music.html or visit http://www.aboutabby.com/index_music.html for more details.

Interesting facts about wong vanessa

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
Location Hong Kong
Gender female
English Name Vanessa Wong
Member Since April 5, 2008
Fans 43
Profile Views 135,820


hello everyone! welcome to my blog! You can visit http://www.aboutabby.com for my performing schedule, photos, and music!! P.S. I might miss some of your


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, korean
Hong Kong
April 5, 2008