I'm so lazy again~~ hhahahahaaplease visit ken's blog for our MC job la !!
Ken gor's blog~~Ken gor is so professional ne~~ after this job, we became crazy and always used our MC tone to talk to sales or taxi driver....
2 examples of Ken and my mo liu conversation: ken: 我要一個tiramisu , 價值係$10 ga ~
me: 我要一個cheesecake, 價值係$15 ga~~
ken: 麻煩晒美心既同事
me: 美心既同事將會放蛋糕落袋﹐包裝好﹐然後比主持人
we: 唔該晒美心既既同事!on taxi 途中...ken:司機將會經過窩打老道~!
司機: 你地去窩打老道接人﹖
ken: 唔係 , 司機,我地講緊笑
me: 唔該晒司機
me: 司儀將會係左邊落車, 麻煩晒司儀﹐小心D落車
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