Ken and I went to a wedding fair to promote our wedding live music service!
We spent a long time preparing for it~~ and u know what? we are really Sleepless! Ken slept 2 hours and I slept 4 hours that night before because we were preparing for this wedding fair, hahahahahahaha~~ After the tedious promotion, we went to a restaurant for steak! It tasted really good but it was kind of oily.. I felt like my whole body was filled with garlic after finishing half of it! Ken finished the rest for me!!
Anyway, even though it was tiring, we had a great time!--------------------------------------------------------------------------今日去咗宣傳我哋既Wedding Live Music Service~ 我哋喺攤位入面有個少少位置~
本來喺後面嘅,不過後來將張檯擺前啲,就有多啲人問關於我哋既wedding music service~
今朝去咗觀塘pick up 一個大Sleepless banner! 70x200cm㗎! 但係因為一啲誤會最後冇擺出嚟呢~ 真係可惜~ 希望下次可以擺啦,hehe~~~ 我諗會有多啲人詢問我哋啫!我覺得呢張似我哋嚟幫襯多啲,哈哈~花咗好多時間準備呢~ 亞ken之前嗰晚仲瞓咗兩個小時呀~ 我好過佢~ 四小時 後尾我哋餓+攰死咗喇~ ken帶咗我嚟呢度食嘢~ 個氣氛唔錯呢!
一入嚟就聞到好香~~真係好足料~~ 不過啲蒜頭真係好多.... 同埋好多油,食咗一半我已經開始喉嚨痛喇,亞ken就幫我食埋~~ 哈哈~~~~~ 雖然好味,但係我諗要三個人食一碟就OK喇,跟住叫第二啲嘢食就perfect!最後成晚蒜頭味~~~ 同埋覺得成肚都係蒜頭~ 哈哈~~~~
hello everyone! welcome to my blog! You can visit for my performing schedule, photos, and music!! P.S. I might miss some of your