Official Artist
Stanley Yang
Director , Editor (Film) , Rapper
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"Karma" the movie. Calling All Film Heads!!

"Karma" the movie.

Now that everythings been said and done i've finally decided to take the plunge...5 years in the making...it's been long overdue but my time is now...i'm off to make a movie!!!The film is called "Karma". It's loosely inspired by real life events which revolves around the thriving billion dollar illegal Marijuana industry in British Columbia. Stemming from this sub-culture there are over 130 different criminal organizations operating in drugs, money laundering, gun distribution and murder.

My hopes is to create an unique cautionary tale with a very deep spiritual undercurrent. On top of the natural moral dilemmas, i feel today's youth culture is in dire need of a spiritual awakening. And only through honest depiction and realist portrayals can this feat be attained. Deeper issues of desires, greed, vanity, materialism and superficiality will also be subtly addressed. ...characteristically against the grain well opting for the road less traveled...you either wit it or against it...ya heeeaaarrrrdddsss!!! (hi haters...)"change is an essence of life....surrendering all that i am for who i can potentially become..." 

I'm currently calling anyone and everyone that is interested in committing to the project. Producers / D.O.P's / Actors+Actresses Since the film will be heavily influenced by the hip hop culture.  i'm also calling out all recording artists, apparel lines and any other relevant products wishing for collaboration in placements/sponsorships.

The film will be shot entirely in Vancouver, B.C and will be multilingual. ( English,Mandarin & Cantonese ) Shot in a stylized hand-held docu-drama format with emphasis on realism and pace.

please check out the promotional website for more details regarding the film @"Karma" the movieA full packaged promotional kit along with script samples is also readily available for all that is seriously interested.more promotional visuals:

I'm stoked peoples!!! This is it! My divine plan to create change in the masses.  A spiritual awakening is at stake...

Cheers and much blessings y'all!!!

about 16 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
Photo 170832
ayo im feeling this holla at me widdit!!
about 16 years ago
Photo 68906
its going to be great~
about 16 years ago
Photo 281158
Sounds like an awesome project!!! Good luck with it and I wish you much success. I also can't get the website to load. It keeps getting stuck about the halfway mark. If you need any caucasian actors, I am living in Chicago in the US now.
about 16 years ago
looks dope!
about 16 years ago
Photo 238380
All the best to you and Karma. Look us up if you ever shoot out of Hong Kong!
about 16 years ago
Photo 31454
good luck homie ! :D
about 16 years ago
Sarahlian 2
wow the movie looks exciting! I gradded from Bby South and u? Wish I could audition for it! As I'll be heading back to the 604 in a few months time!
about 16 years ago


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english, mandarin
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Member Since
January 30, 2008