Less than 24 hours after arriving in KL, PCD had the regional press conference for their 2nd album Doll Domination. I was expecting a moody bunch but they were incredibly energetic, giggly and game! I guess that's what sets true professionals apart from the rest huh?
(I'm the midget holding the mic)
Here's something the makeup artist told me - apparently lead PCD Nicole received a call about a possible break-in @ her LA home minutes before they were due at the venue! There was absolutely no HINT of anxiousness during the PC and full-day TV/ Radio/ Print interviews! You GO Nicole. Hope everything's ok on the home front.
(This is the ritual they do b4 they hit the stage - how cute)
Lucky me - this is the 2nd time I'm hosting for PCD. First time was 2005 in Thailand (check out my artist album for pic) and THEY actually remembered me! gasp
(They haven't changed much, I have)
(The girls showing me how to pose like a PCD)
Safe to say, the girls got the loudest cheers at MAA. Won't post that video up. I'm sure you'll be seeing it all over the place.
I thought I'd post this one instead. Check out Britney Houston!
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOpZVIApynQ&feature=rec-fresh (You know you've made it when someone does a parody on you)
Soooo, apparently Britney was supposed to be in it but they totally snubbed her. But I found a cute 'cameo'. Check this out
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XHh1ELC59s&feature=related Have a great weekend all
I know it's been a while since I'd updated! Be back asap promise!!!